Career Paths of Former Junior Professors in Germany Sindy Duong, M.A. | Conference Global State of Young Scientists | CHE Hannover,
Overview Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong | Preliminary Insights 3. First „Impressions“ 2. Structure of the Research Project 1. Background
Sponsor / Partners Sponsor: Partners: Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Overview 4. Preliminary Insights 3. First „Impressions“ 2. Structure of the Research Project 1. Background Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Aims when introducing Juniorprofessorship in 2002 Enhancing the international attractiveness of an academic career in Germany Improvements in gender equality A shorter qualification phase for a full professorship Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Research Gaps 6 What has happened to the first generation of junior professors? No information on current junior professors No deep nation-wide information on social background and gender equality of junior professors Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Overview 4. Preliminary Insights 3. First „Impressions“ 2. Structure of the Research Project 1. Background Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Project Design 8 Analysis of career paths after a junior professorship and comparison to career paths of traditional professors (CHE) Finished QualificationCurrent QualificationRecommendations Comparison of different career paths in higher education (HoF) Recommendations for improving academic career paths in the future (HoF and CHE) Data Analysis with reference to gender and social background International comparison with the Austrian Career Model Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Research Questions Differences between academic career paths? Advantages and Disadvantages? Impact on the decision for an academic career and the prospects of success? Gender Equality? Relevance of social background for the course of an academic career / social selectivity? Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Overview 4. Preliminary Insights 3. First „Impressions“ 2. Structure of the Research Project 1. Background Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
CHE-Precursor Study (2004) Situation of juniorprofessors from their own perspective: – Most regarded it as a major improvement for young scientists – Most depicted their situation as „good“ and „very good“ – One third: expectation of good career opportunities – But necessary improvements: Ressources for staff and facilities varies (variations across the German Bundesländer and across academic disciplines) More training offers Part-Time Professorship (compatibility of family and work!, gender equality!) Tenure Track Option Most junior professors continue to regard the habilitation as a necessary and safer qualification Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Increasing Numbers of Junior Professors Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Relatively High Percentage of Women Source: Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), Germany. Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Career Path (N=160) Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
How long have you been a JP? (N=148) Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Reasons for premature termination (N=153, multiple responses) Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Further analysis Tenure Track?! No habilitation High Overall Satisfaction Yet burden for partnership and family planning Etc. Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Overview 4. Preliminary Insights 3. First „Impressions“ 2. Structure of the Research Project 1. Background Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Preliminary Conclusions Enhancing the international attractiveness of an academic career in Germany? Improvements in gender equality? A shorter qualification phase for a full professorship? Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |
Thank you for your attention!
Reasons for Becoming a JP (multiple responses) Career Paths of Former Junior Professors | Sindy Duong |