Creating Tables Word Lesson 6
Creating Table Methods There are a number of options to create tables. Each of these options can be accessed by clicking the Table button in the Tables group within the Insert tab. o Insert a table by dragging to insert the desired number of columns and rows (up to 10 columns, 8 rows) o Keying the appropriate information within the Insert Table dialog box. You can add up to 63 columns and thousands of rows. o Draw Table o Preformatted Quick Tables o Convert Text to Table o Excel Spreadsheet
Formatting Tables-Design Tab Tables can be formatted by using the Table Tools. Design tab on the Table Tools ribbon. Tables can be formatting columns, rows, or cells individually, as well as formatting an entire table. On the Design tab, in the Table Styles group, you can choose to apply a Quick Style that will format an entire table. Table Style Options can be turned on or off.
Managing of Tables-Layout Tab In order to manage tables use the Layout tab on the Table Tools ribbon. You can resize individual rows and columns within a table precisely. Or you can choose from three different AutoFit options, which will automatically adjust row and columns sizes appropriately: o AutoFit Contents o Auto Fit Windows o Fixed Column Widths
Properties Table Properties can be displayed on the Layout tab, in the Table group, click Properties to display the Table Properties dialog box. The Table Properties Dialog Box has 5 Tabs: Table, Row, Column, Cell and Alt Text
Header Rows Header rows can be created. But if a table flows over onto two or more pages, the header row will only be visible if you choose Repeat Header Row command in the Data group on the Layout Tab.
Sorting Table There are sorting options available for arranging data within a table (alphabetically, numerically, or chronologically). Select data within a table and then click the Sort command in the Data group of the Layout tab There are various options available on the Sort dialog box: o First and Secondary Sorts o Ascending and Descending
Cells Cells can be merged and split within a table. o Both commands are found in the Merge group of the Layout tab. Position and direction of text within a cell can be changed. o These options are found in the Alignment group of the Layout tab. o Word provides nine options for aligning text within a cell and three options for changing the direction of text within a cell.
Miscellaneous Options Text that is separated by commas, tabs, paragraphs, or another character can easily be converted into a table using the Convert Text to Table command. Columns and rows can be deleted and inserted using the Ribbon and the Shortcut Menu. In some cases you may need to use a formula in a table to calculate a total. o Table Tools Layout Data Formula