A CTIVE R EADING S TRATEGIES Please take notes in your English notebook
Notes format in your English notebook Active Reading StrategyWhat is it?Example: Question Connect Predict Clarify Evaluate Summarize what you learned about these strategies. Do you have any questions?
Question The reader asks himself/herself questions about the motives of characters, meaning of words, the possible themes, or anything else that is puzzling about the story. Ex: In The Wizard of Oz, I wonder why the one witch is evil and another is Dorothy's protector. **TIP** Avoid “YES/NO” Questions!
Connect The reader connects an event, character's trait, or anything else in a story with something from his/her own life. Ex: While reading a story about tornadoes, the reader recalls a strong windstorm last summer. **TIP** These are personal…your connection will not be the same as your partner’s connection!
Predict The reader asks what will happen next to the characters or the plot of the story. Ex: By the end of The Wizard of Oz, I predict that the wizard will help Dorothy return home. **TIP** These are “educated guesses” based on elements of the selection being read
Clarify The reader stops occasionally to review what has been read so far. Understandings will change and develop as you read. Questions will also be answered. Ex: Based on the characters Dorothy meets and what she says at the end of the story, I believe that the story's theme is that friends and family are more important than dreams and riches.
Evaluate The reader reflects on the meaning of the text and forms opinions about it. What significance does the text have in the wider context of life? Ex: The Wizard of Oz teaches us to that we need friends to help us overcome our disabilities and life's challenges.