Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Unit 5 Packet Journal 3/4/15: The European Union and Argentina have instituted a concept known as “the right to be forgotten.”


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Presentation transcript:

Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Unit 5 Packet Journal 3/4/15: The European Union and Argentina have instituted a concept known as “the right to be forgotten.” It allows for certain individuals living in these places to ask search engines like Google to de-index certain pages or images that are irrelevant, false, or not newsworthy. The concept is controversial as it raises concerns about public records and freedom of information. What are the $SEEITT concerns? D, C, Q: The United States should join the EU for the right to be forgotton.

Agenda: Journal: The Right to Be Forgotten Hip-Hop Planet Rhetorical Analysis – Find your people (same prompt) How did you answer the prompt, what text evidence did you use? – Compare/Contrast yours to the model Read the entire essay, look for the paragraph about your topic. Reflect. – Answer 2, 3, 5, or 6 Consider what the model does, but do it in your own way. HOMEWORK: – Read: Wizard of Oz article and “Corn Pone Opinions” AND QUESTIONS due the next day I see you (Don’t let me down, guys. Now is not the time to slack!) – Journal explode = 3/6 When you leave you will have: -discussed the rhetorical strategies used within “Hip Hop Planet”.

March 4 Journal: Minimalism is an artistic movement which centers on stripping away all but the most essential details. It is not focused on flowery decoration, it is focused on keeping only the barest detail. Think about your bedroom. Are you a minimalist? Agenda: -Journal -Minimalism -Movie Clip Review -“Why Don’t You Dance?” -Socratic Seminar Questions -Reflection

Minimalism, so what? Minimalism is also a style of writing. What characteristics or traits would you expect from a minimalist writer?

Let’s Review 1.Ambiguous: open to more than one interpretation/double meaning. 2.Thought provoking: stimulating careful consideration/attention 3.Provocative: provoking, exciting, stimulating, or irritating 4.Complex: consisting of many different or connected parts

Movie Clip Review What is unknown/ambiguou s? What is complex? What is thought provoking? What is provocative? ad-men/videos/don- draper-tells-his-wife-who- he-really-is

When you finish reading… Write 3-5 questions you have about the story. – What was confusing? – What needs clarifying? – What’s worth discussing?

Reflection: What is: -ambiguous -complex -thought provoking -provocative about “Why Don’t You Dance?”

Story Review TitleWhat it’s about:ThemeWould you recommend it? What kind of person would enjoy it? “The Utterly Perfect Murder” Seeking revenge 36 years after being bullied as a child. What goes around comes around. Someone who was bullied (similar experiences). “Salvation”A young boy wanting to find Jesus, but doesn’t find him and then lies about his experience. Salvation can come from within rather than a higher power. People who are conflicted between religion and atheism. An atheist.

We have ____ days of school left… Do you read and write at an 11 th grade level? Are you ready for 12 th grade? Can you prove that you read and write well enough for a high school diploma? Do you have the necessary skills to be a successful adult?