Introduction to Philosophy
“Philosophy” philein (“to love”) sophia (“wisdom”)
The Scope of Philosophy In Ancient Greece – All types of knowledge and wisdom. In Ancient Greece – All types of knowledge and wisdom. In modern times – more limitations. In modern times – more limitations.
What is truth? Is there a God? Do people have free will? Are all our choices caused? How should people live their lives? Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? What is the nature of change? Do all human beings have rights? What is justice?
Branches of Modern Philosophy Metaphysics Metaphysics Epistemology Epistemology Ethics Ethics Political Philosophy Political Philosophy Social Philosophy Social Philosophy Religious Philosophy Religious Philosophy Aesthetics Aesthetics Logic Logic
Metaphysics The Nature of Being
Epistemology The nature of knowledge and how it is obtained.
Ethics Right Wrong How do we decide?
Political Philosophy How should government work? How should government work?
Social Philosophy Society and its institutions Society and its institutions What would the ideal society be like?
Religious Philosophy Is there a God? Is there a God?
Philosophy’s Tools Argument Logic
Logic and Argument Logic Logic Premise + Premise Conclusion Valid Arguments Sound Arguments Fallacies