Che cosa fai di mattina? Capitolo sei, verbi riflessivi
Che cose sono? Lavarsi: to wash oneself Pettinarsi: to brush one’s hair Arrabbiarsi: oneself feels angry Farsi la doccia: one takes a shower Lavarsi i denti: to brush one’s teeth etc
Quando? A reflexive verb (verbi riflessivi) is a verb where the subject and direct object are the same within a sentence or phrase. For example: “I wash myself.” Where is the subject in this sentence? How do we find the direct object? (DO)
Direct Object The “who” or “what” of a sentence. ex. “Last week I bought a new shirt.” Where is the subject in this sentence? The direct object?
Perche? We can use these reflexive, or –si forms of a verb to describe our day-to-day routines. What are some activities that you do or tasks that you complete on your own throughout the day? Parlate con suo compagno di faccia! (uno minuto)
Esempi “Mi rado ogni mattina.” “I shave every morning.” “Noi ci svegliamo alle sei.” “We wake up at 6.” “Ti trucci molto?” “Do you put on makeup a lot?”
Le Domande Quando ti lavi? Quando ti metti i vestiti? Quando ti alzi? Come si senti oggi? (how do you feel today?) Perche mi sbaglio? (why am I wrong?)
Come? Step 1: Chop off the –arsi, -ersi, -irsi Step 2: add your reflexive pronoun Io-mi Noi-ci Tu-ti Voi-vi Lui/lei-siLoro-si Step 3: Conjugate !