What we will do What we will learn Seating PlanWhere we will sit Preliminaries and roll, incl intro to Quick Quiz – content and set out How to start well and how to get literate with the Scientific ABC The Lab Contract forms (2 copies)How to make and keep promises for safety Unit outline – including objectives and unit heading (bilingual) What we will do for the first bit of term 1 The pretest for the unitHow much we know already Workbooks and notice of invoiceWhat the workbook is and how it will be paid for “Wake up” last year’s knowledge and see how that matches this unit Who Mrs (C) Gren is and why we are learning about her. If time, begin HWIngoa, Name, Sentence, Marking Block, Colour/Enhancements (How to get 5/5 for the title page) 10N 10 Hui-Tanguru 2016
HW item Skills practiced Scipad pages but not 72, 73, Due Zenday 37 th of Octember Electrical Circuits
The Elements we need to know HHydrogen HeHelium LiLithium BeBeryllium BBoron CCarbon NNitrogen OOxygen Page 1 of 4
FFluorine NeNeon NaSodium MgMagnesium AlAluminium SiSilicon PPhosphorus SSulphur/Sulfur Page 2 of 4
ClChlorine ArArgon KPotassium CaCalcium FeIron ZnZinc CuCopper MnManganese Page 3 of 4
NiNickel AgSilver AuGold HgMercury PtPlatinum PbLead UUranium RaRadium Page 4 of 4
No.Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4…… : :