Prevent a Fall Before it Happens Presented By:
2 2 What do they have in common?
The issue Falls are the most common cause of injury for seniors 1 in 3 seniors living in the community and 40-50% of those living in institutions will experience a fall each year 50% who fall, do so repeatedly Seniors have 9 times more falls injuries compared to those at younger ages 3
More falls facts Even without an injury, a fall can cause a loss in confidence and reduction in activities Falls cause more than 90% of hip fractures among seniors and 15-20% of those will die of complications 40% of all nursing home admissions are the result of falls 4
5 Injury Emergency Department visits Alberta,
Alberta seniors’ injury hospital admissions
Cost of falls in Alberta Hospitalization costs = $96,000,000 a year By 2031, costs likely to reach $228,000,000 Costs do not include: Emergency Department visits, payments to physicians and physiotherapists, home care, medication or costs to the individual and family Schopflocher, D. On Solid Ground Falls Prevention Conference, 2006
Human cost of falls Emotional responses Loss of independence Loss of confidence Fear of falling –Downward spiral effect
Why the priority? Growing aging population Increasing numbers of hospital admissions Lack of awareness of risk, prevention Multiple risk factors – controllable Health system impacts Impact for seniors and family 9
Partnership Alberta Centre for Injury Control & Research Alberta Medical Association Alberta Health and Wellness Guidance and support Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee Representatives from 9 former Health Regions AB Pharmacists’ Association AB Physiotherapy Association College & Association of RN of Alberta AB Centre for Active Living AB College of Occupational Therapists AB Therapeutic Recreation Association 12 AB Chapter Dieticians of Canada Osteoporosis Centres and AB Chapter Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton Health Link Alberta Primary Care Networks AB Seniors and Community Supports
Campaign values Multiyear campaign Evidence-based consistent messaging Connect seniors to local supports/programs Stakeholder support and participation Evaluation
Campaign elements Strategic provincial communications plan Proclamation of Seniors ’ Falls Prevention Month Purchased and earned media Information posters and flyers Campaign website Local Communications Support Spokespeople Presentations Displays
Campaign results Omnibus survey One in five seniors aware about communications about falls Proportion who were concerned about having a bad fall rose significantly Proportion who were worried about a friend or family member having a bad fall also rose significantly Those aware of the campaign were more likely to exercise to reduce the risk of falling 56% believed seniors need to hear more about falls
Campaign results Municipal proclamations 138 communities Earned media stories 75 stories = $183,640 Bought media Received $2.05 for every dollar spent Website 1915 visits, 5742 page views, average 2.25 minutes
2009 campaign New message ‘Watch your step’ Launch No radio Larger network of spokespeople Website redesign Practitioner page on website New sponsors
Key messages
Practitioner page Alberta Seniors’ Falls Prevention Network Resources for Practitioners Algorithm for Primary Care Physicians Multidisciplinary Algorithm Data Finding Balance Tool Kit Campaign Resources Local Activities and Resources Print Resources Photo Gallery
For more information on Finding Balance Visit Contact ACICR at
Alberta Seniors’ Falls Prevention Network Free electronic network Diverse membership Purpose = information sharing Best practice Recent research New resources and programs Educational opportunities Quarterly teleconferences
“It takes a village of stakeholders working together to prevent falls and fall risk, tasks that no one stakeholder can accomplish alone.” Ganz, Alkema & Wu,