GOVERNMENT ORDAINED BY GOD! Romans 13:1 – appointed by God Romans 13:2, to resist government is to resist God Romans 13:3-4, rulers are a terror to evil. He does not bear the sword in vain
GOVERNMENT ORDAINED BY GOD! It doesn’t matter how godly government is. 1 Peter 2:11-12, 15; 3:16 by proper example through honorable conduct, we silence our critics
OUR DUTIES TO GOVERNMENT Be subject to its laws and authorities Romans 13:1, 5, 1 Peter 2:13- 14, Titus 3:1 submit to every ordinance, and to the king or governor. This includes obeying laws even when no one is looking!
OUR DUTIES TO GOVERNMENT Pay your taxes Romans 13:6-7, cf. Matthew 22:17-21 – render to Caesar the things that are his, and to God the things that belong to Him. Consider that what you give will be used properly – especially since it is commanded by God
OUR DUTIES TO GOVERNMENT Honor the king Romans 13:7, 1 Peter 2:17, Titus 3:2– honor to whom honor is due, the king, speak evil of no one! Eph. 5:11, while we have privilege in this to criticize, we must still maintain godly demeanor – INCLUDING with social media!
OUR DUTIES TO GOVERNMENT Pray for them 1 Timothy 2:1-4 – pray for our leaders – our goal being so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in godliness and reverence
OUR DUTIES TO GOVERNMENT Why submit? For the Lord’s sake – Col. 3:23 1 Peter 2:15-16, to silence our critics Philippians 3:20, 1 Peter 2:11-12, because our citizenship is in heaven
WHEN UNGODLINESS PREVAILS When the laws of God and man conflict Acts 5:29, we ought to obey God rather than men. Consider the context – a direct command that involved disobeying God. This is NOT license to rebel when you don’t agree with your government
WHEN UNGODLINESS PREVAILS When the laws of God and man conflict Acts 5:29, does NOT excuse submission in matters other than that which is in conflict with God’s laws (e.g. You still pay your taxes, you still obey traffic laws, respect authorities, etc.)
WHEN UNGODLINESS PREVAILS What about politics? We live in a country where we can have a voice – voting, expressing concerns, even influencing legislation. We can utilize the law to our advantage - Acts 16:37-38, 25:11 We must respect the boundaries of law! 1 Peter 2:16
WHEN UNGODLINESS PREVAILS Do Christians have to vote? NO! Show me a passage that compels us to vote!!!!! Remember, we are dealing with worldly governments that some cannot conscientiously vote for. You must decide for yourself – Romans 14:22
WHEN UNGODLINESS PREVAILS If you decide to vote: Consider godly morality over economic advantage! If we can change the moral compass of our society, the economics will take care of themselves (i.e. contentment, sharing, no greed, sloth or envy, etc.)
WHEN UNGODLINESS PREVAILS God is in control! Philippians 3:20, our citizenship is in heaven. That is what matters. Romans 13:1, they exist by God’s power. In the end, His will shall prevail!