Topic Overview
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth’s oceans.
Resolved—statement of belief United States federal government—sovereign entity based in Washington D.C. Not the states. Substantially—big, or nothing Increase—make larger Its—possessive Non-military—not the armed forces
Exploration: looking for things—may be distinct from research And/or: one, the other, or both Development—broad definitions include Explore and assess resources Harness and manage resources and create new resources Cope with and protect its environment Develop human resources (knowledge, skill, expertise) Marine science and technology Earth—this planet, not Titan Oceans—Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, (Great Southern), plus connected saltwater bodies (gulfs, bays, seas)
Several major pieces of legislation, including; Coastal Zone Management Act Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act Marine Mammal Protection Act Oceans Act of 2000—created U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, produced major 2004 report Several executive actions, esp. National Ocean Policy (EO 13545) / National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts and the Great Lakes
Department of Commerce (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration—NOAA) Department of Defense (Army Corps of Engineers, DARPA, U.S. Navy) Department of Energy Department of Interior (USGS, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement) Department of State Department of Transportation National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
It is Culture Ecosystem Services Energy Food Military/Security Recreation Trade
Biodiversity / Ecosystem Services & Stability Climate Change Economy & Trade Energy Food Geopolitics Resources Structural Violences
Critical Exploration Exploratory Expeditions Deep Sea Specific ecosystems/geographic areas (Arctic) Mapping Monitoring Acidification Bioindicators (other) Climate Tsunami Weather / storms
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Prohibit Bad Practices Ballast water dumping Coastal Development Unsafe oil transportation Protect/Preserve Specific Areas Coral Reefs Estuaries Mangroves Whaling Bans
Lots of people depend on food from the oceans Overfishing is a serious problem, threatening both biodiversity and food security Affirmatives will Alter how we regulate the “take” from a fishery Limit bad fishing practices Promote alternatives to capturing wild fish (aquaculture) Whaling / Makah Salmon!
Should be really popular Many potential options Renewables Wind power OTEC Wave power Tidal power Hydrocarbons Old school—oil and natural gas New school—methane hydrates
Human Migrations Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) Ratification Piracy Radical Ecologies Situated-ness Specific Areas—Arctic!! Water—seawater desalination Throw Blaize in the ocean
Budget—tradeoffs, spending Environment Energy Prices / Fuel Switching Politics—agenda, midterms Trade
Have someone else do the exploration / development USFG Agents—congress v. executive v. courts Non-USFG Agents—states, other countries, private actors Advantage Counterplans—fix the problem using a different mechanism
Development Ks Radical Ecology Ks Security Ks Situated-ness Ks Class Gender Race