Information Services Estates and Buildings Department Financial Management Process Review 1 st October 2015 Paper C – System Design Brief description of the paper This paper provides a general overview of how the Purchase Order solution will appear to the system users Action requested For information Resource implications Does the paper have resource implications? No Risk Assessment Does the paper include a risk analysis? No Equality and Diversity Has due consideration been given to the equality impact of this paper? No Originator of the paper Ben Armstrong (Business Analyst) and John Allison (Lead Developer) – 18 th September 2015 Freedom of information Can this paper be included in open business? Yes
Estates Purchase Order Process Ben Armstrong
Current Process – Archibus Client and EBIS Archibus Client system is used for raising Purchase Orders (Goods Orders and Contract Orders) and for stock/stores items The system contains rules to prevent orders being raised if insufficient budget available, and to ensure the correct cost codes are selected EBIS online system generates completed Purchase Orders in PDF format Orders can be saved and sent to the supplier by , fax or post
High Level Process Flow Select Requisition form Create Requisition SciQuest Capture Estates data System checks project budget Archibus Web Central System checks authorisation Issued to supplier as Purchase Order SciQuest
Summary of Changes 2 new systems: SciQuest and Archibus Web Central 3 stages in process: Stage 1, raise the Requisition in SciQuest Stage 2, manage and approve Requisition in Archibus Web Central Stage 3, purchase order is issued in SciQuest Note it may be that the same person does Stages 1 and 2
New Process Step 1 – SciQuest Begins with raising a ‘Requisition’ in SciQuest (a request for order) Your SciQuest role will give you access to 1 or more Requisition forms An on-screen ‘Non-Catalogue Form’ is suggested for raising Goods Orders Same form or custom form for raising Contract Orders for Works and Services Supplier details held in SciQuest Authorisation limit approval checks will be built into the system
Raising a Requisition
New Process Step 2 – Archibus Web Central The completed Requisition is sent from SciQuest to Archibus Web Central’s ‘Requisition Manager’ Archibus Web Central is different to the existing Archibus client system – and is already being used for Estates space management In this system, you will use the Requisition Manager to review the requisition Add relevant Estates data Options to Confirm requisition (if happy) or Return requisition (if not)
Archibus Web Central Designs
Managing Requisitions
Managing Purchase Orders
New Process Step 3 – SciQuest Either the Purchase Order is automatically issued, or… If the delegation authorisation limit has been exceeded, then the approver is notified and must log into SciQuest to approve and release the Purchase Order