Review for quiz Global Warming Bingo
Create a 4x4 chart. In each box, put one of the following words. You can choose any word for any box. How It Works
Greenhouse Effect Carbon Sink Carbon source Deforestation Container w/ CO2 Control Container UV Infrared Combustion of FF Anthropogenic Carbon Footprint CO 2 CH 4 O 3 N 2 O H 2 O CFC’s Respiration Photosynthesis Ocean
When I call out a definition, put a line through the term that you think goes with that definition. Continue until you get 4 in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Then call out Bingo! You’ll bring your paper up and we can check to see if you have all of the words that you should have. If so, you win We’ll keep going until 3 people have gotten Bingo. How to Play
Most abundant anthropogenic gas which contributes to global warming
Process which creates sugars to store energy and releases oxygen
During the lab, which container should have had the higher temperature- CO 2 or Control (just air/water)?
Term that means caused by humans
Gas in the atmosphere which protects us from harmful UV rays from the sun
Anthropogenic activity which has the largest impact on global warming
Largest carbon sink on Earth
Which container in the lab did not contain an anthropogenic greenhouse gas?
Type of radiation that is released from the Earth
Warming of the Earth due to certain gases in the atmosphere trapping heat
Activity or part of Earth that absorbs Carbon
Total set of greenhouse gases released by a person, group or product
Gas released by landfills and livestock
Banned in the 1970’s for destroying the ozone layer; best heat trapping ability
Human activity of major concern due to the removal of a large carbon sink
Radiation released by the sun; high energy
Activity or part of Earth which releases Carbon into the atmosphere
Activity in Carbon cycle in which animals release Carbon into the atmosphere
Gas released by fertilizers