Body Weight Management PATRIOT HS
Questions that people ask : How do I lose weight? How many calories do I need? Why does my weight stay the same when I exercise or change my diet? I want abs, so do I just do crunches?
Do you know what your doing?
So once again it starts with what you put into your body!!
What are calories? By definition a calorie is the energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. The important word to take away from this definition is ENERGY. Calories are ENERGY that fuel our bodies How many calories do you get from carbs, protein, and fats? So what is a Calorie? So what is a Calorie?
So what is Metabolism Closer Look at metabolism. Closer Look at metabolism. This minimum number of calories is called your resting metabolic rate (RMR) or Basal Metabolism …what you need just to keep you alive Varies greatly depending on heredity, age, sex, weight, and muscle mass. In order to have enough energy to live your day and be active you need more energy than what’s required from your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Young people have a higher metabolism because their bodies are growing and developing. As you get older, your metabolism slows down.
So how do I lose weight or maintain a healthy weight? Must first understand body composition. Who weighs more?
Overweight vs Underweight? We must move away from these terms and start thinking of body composition and body fat. Body Composition: All the tissues that make up your body. Body Fat: the ratio of body fat vs. lean body tissues: muscle bone, skin etc. On average a person will range from 15 to 25 percent body fat. Females have genetically more body fat than males Females should stay between 11 to 25 percent body fat, while males should stay between 6 to 20 percent body fat. Being over 35 percent for females and 30 for males are classified as being obese Body fat test can be performed to find your percentage
So which one do you want?
Weight Management Remember it starts with your DIET: You are truly what you eat. You must fuel your body with the right amount nutrients each day if you want results and balance it with exercise. If you starve yourself, your body will actually store body fat, and burn lean body tissue. The result is weight loss, but is it the weight you wanted to lose? Remember that a scale is not the only weight measure success. IF you lift weights and develop muscle you will actually gain weight. Losing.5 to 1 pound a week is the safest approach.
The secret is out!!!! If you exceed the number of calories your body requires each day you will eventually gain weight. It takes an excess of 3500 calories to gain 1 lb. of fat. Example: if your body needs 2500 calories a day to maintain its current weight and every day you consume 3000 (one 20 oz Mocha Frappe could add 500 calories) in one week you would gain 1 lb. 3500/7=500 each day lower your calories by 500 to lose weight!!!! You can do this by exercising or by cutting down on what you eat, or a combination of both. Dr Miller GW Weight Loss Center Center
So how about gaining weight? You would want to use the same formula as losing weight. Increase your calories. If you are exercising you must take that into consideration of what you are burning. Remember by increasing muscle you are increasing weight. For most people this is the approach you want to take in gaining weight.
You have a Choice!