Y EAR 10 S CIENCE ASSESSMENT -3 Diandra Pedavoli Mr. Ingpen
Symbol: Co Atomic number: 26 Mass number: Transition metal Cobalt-60
D ESCRIPTION OF THE TYPE OF RADIATION IT PRODUCES ? Produces Gamma Radiation Emits two gamma rays of different energies. Gamma rays- electromagnetic released by the nucleus of radionuclides. Gamma photons occur after radioactive decay.
E XPLANATION ON HOW COBALT -60 IS USED IN MEDICINE OR INDUSTRY ? Used in Industry Levelling devices Detection of explosives Structural damage
D ESCRIPTION OF THE BENEFITS OF USING COBALT -60? Beneficial towards human- Vitamin B12 Used on pregnant women- Red blood cells Beneficial towards animals Ends up in soils and sediments Animals lack cobalt but when in soils and sediments animals get cobalt which is good for their health.
D ESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEMS OF USING COBALT -60? Creates two different problems Health: When breathing it in it effects our lungs and experience symptoms such as; asthma and pneumonia. High concentrations of cobalt-60 lead to; Thyroid damage Heart problems Vision problems Vomiting Nausea Radiation of cobalt-60 can also cause effects.
Environmental: Occurs naturally in the environment. We add cobalt to the air little at a time. Cannot be destroyed once it has entered the atmosphere. Activate in acid conditions but most of it ends up in soils and sediments. D ESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEMS OF USING COBALT -60?
J USTIFICATION FOR THIS USE : HOW DO THE BENEFITS OF USING COBALT -60 OUTWEIGH THE PROBLEM ASSOCIATED ? Essential element for pregnant women Beneficial towards animals Used for a wide range of things (industry) Explosives, animals, pregnant women, detecting structural damage to metal parts.
Thankyou for watching! Diandra Pedavoli