Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page
Hello students! Today we are going on a trip. We will be figuring out how far away two places are from each other. Lets get started! Click this button to get back to the first page
Your first task is going to be to solve the couple of problems that are under the process section of this assignment. Also the websites that you need to go to for information will be provided under the process section. These problems will be turned in to me when you are finished. You will be graded on correct answers but do not forget to show all your work. Go to next task
Your second task is to get with a partner and create a poster that includes the distance formula and a couple of examples (you can pick your own problems from your math book). The poster will be given to me at the end of each class and when everyone is done then you will be presenting your poster in front of the class. You will be graded on creativity and effort.
What you are going to do is solve the couple of problems that I have placed on the next couple of slides. To complete these problems you will need to remember your knowledge of coordinate planes and graphing points. You will also need to go through the websites on the next page to learn about the distance formula and how to use it. The distance formula is provided below and will be provided at each question. At the end of the assignment I will provide a bonus question. I would like everyone to try it. Websites
Start problems ndex=1&feature=plpp_video lmN54Ra0nA&lf=plpp_video Informational Websites: Informational Videos: Just For Fun:
Problem 1: If your house is located at the point (3,-1) and the movie theater is located at the point (0,3) and you can only walk 2 miles at a time, will you be able to walk to the movie theater? Hint: Each whole number equals a mile. 3 equals 3 miles while 5.5 equals 5 and a half miles.
Problem 2: If school is located at (-6,-2) and you need to get to the YMCA for sports practice which is located at (-3,-5), (remembering the hint from problem 1), how many miles will it take to get there?
Problem 3: Grandma lives at the point (4,5) and the grocery store is at the point (-1,3). How many miles will Grandma have to drive in order to do her shopping?
Problem 4: You are at your friends house which is located at the point (1/2,1/4) and you guys decide to go and play some mini golf at Magic Mountain. Magic Mountain is located at the point (2,1). How far will your friend’s parents have to drive to get you and your friend to Magic Mountain?
Problem 5: Your school has planned a trip to go to the amusement park for all the 8 th graders. The school is located at the point (5,8) and the amusement park is located at the point (-2,3). How many miles is the amusement park from the school?
Bonus Problem: Your teacher is running late for school. She lives at the point (-6,1) and the school is at the point (3,1). She only has 15 minutes until school starts. If it takes 2 minutes to drive a mile, will your teacher be able to make it to school on time?
Task 1 Correct Answers – 2 points each Showing Work – 1 point each Bonus Problem – 5 points Points Possible – 20 points Task 2 Poster – 20 points Creativity – 5 points Effort – 10 points Correct Information – 5 points Presentation – 15 points Total Points Possible – 55 points
Congratulations! Our quest to travel was a success! Now that you have completed this quest you are more familiar with the Distance Formula and how to use it. If you need extra help you can me at For additional problems to practice please go to the website below. Only do the first 11 problems To end the assignment To go back to the home page
To end the assignment To access my lesson plan please click on the link below.