Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
EVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd The Event Management Platform will be an online & automated solution for managing events without any chaos. It will be capable of managing multiple events happening in different locations. Users can check the shows and events they are interested and purchase tickets from their devices from any part of the world. It is powerful, user-friendly, flexible tool and it offers great degree of customization with ease of management.
MAIN SYSTEM USER Buyer Organizer Admin Coordinator Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
ADMIN PANEL Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
ADMIN USER Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd MANAGE USERS: APPROVE / ADD USERS (Approval to organizer to be part of the system as an organizer) MANAGE ADVERTISMENTS (Manage advertisement to be shown on app & website) MANAGE NOTIFICATIONS (Send Push notification to app user and messages to web user) DETAILED REPORTING (Flexible and comfortable way to track your system and its users) MANAGE EVENTS: APPROVE / REJECT EVENTS (Manage what will go live on your application and website) Admin will be central controller of the entire system
MANAGE EVENTS EXPORT TO EXCEL FUNCTIONALITY Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Admin will be able to manage events from this page. 1.APPROVE/ REJECT EVENTS 2.SET TOP SEARCH EVENTS FOR EACH COUNTRY 3.MANAGE ALL EVENTS IN GRID
MANAGE USERS EXPORT TO EXCEL FUNCTIONALITY Admin will have the rights to manage the users of the system. 1.APPROVE /REJECT ORAGNIZER REQUEST 2.ADD NEW USER TO SYSTEM 3.All USER LISTED IN GRID Admin will also get the functionality to export all the data in excel sheet from Grid. Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
MANAGE ADVERTISEMENT Admin will have the functionality to manage the Advertisement that will go on the application from the Admin Panel. 1.MANANGE ADVERTISEMENT PER COUNTRY 2.REDIRECT USER TO URL ON CLICK TO ADVERTISEMENT Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
MANAGE NOTIFICATIONS Admin will be able to send notification to all its users through the admin panel. Users will receive this notification in their respective panels. Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
MANAGE REPORTS Reporting tool provides you a flexible and comfortable way to track your ticket sales report, daily sales report, attendees reports, revenue you earned and many more. Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Event guest list Tickets by ticket type sales Daily sales and reconciliations Event sales Report Event attendees Event Run Summary Report Reservations Report Tickets by Ticket Type Summary Referral Source Summary And Many more...
Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd is India based offshore development IT Services Company that provides strategic business solutions and customized software. It is a team of dedicated and highly skilled software professionals focused on providing world class IT solutions. Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Prepared By: Brevity Software Solutions Pvt Ltd ADMIN PANEL FOR EVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ADMIN PANEL FOR EVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WebSite: WebSite: Phone Number : THANK YOU Address : 3rd Floor, Purusharth Plaza, Near People's Bank, Amin Marg, Rajkot Gujarat (INDIA)