ERM evaluation An introduction to the CIPE Consortium peculiarities by Anna Ortigari and Guido Badalamenti Bologna, 24.04.2008.


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Presentation transcript:

ERM evaluation An introduction to the CIPE Consortium peculiarities by Anna Ortigari and Guido Badalamenti Bologna,

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE Consortium, a short history It was born in 2001 as an Association between 12 Universities for the acquisition of electronic resources; At the end of 2006 it became a formal Consortium and, beside the old activities, it starts to be also devoted to the development of joint projects at a national and international level and to be interested in defining level of partnership with public or private Bodies or Institutions

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE members & partners 11 Founder members –The Universities of Bologna, Firenze, Genova, Modena e Reggio Emilia, Padova, Parma, Pisa, Sassari, Siena, Venezia, Politecnica delle Marche; Partners –Other Universities or Public Institutions which are interested to share the same vision and willingness to participate in specific projects.

CIPE - VERDE, Peculiarities The main peculiarity of the Consortium is to be composed by Libraries organized at a Central Library System for single University; The Consortium doesn’t own a devoted server farm or hardware infrastructures, but all the activities are based on the functionalities offered by single Institutions; The Consortium subscribes special agreements with other Italian Consortia or Institutions for special projects of digital preservation and disaster recovery;

CIPE - VERDE, E-contracts National level – defined by CRUI-CARE; Interconsortia level – agreed between 2 or 3 consortia; Cipe consortium – for the benefit of all or part of the members; Institutional level –Single University Following a specific offer by the vendor/distributor Following a general offer by the vendor/distributor –Single University via a different Consortium

CIPE - VERDE, Governance & Responsabilities People appointed by the Consortium; Technical body of the Consortium; Consortium Director & other Consortium bodies; People appointed at the University level –Main selector –Library Director –Branch library selectors (directors and staff) –Budget administrator –Administrative office –Central IT department –Resource configuration & cataloging staff

CIPE - VERDE, Interoperability ILS –ALEPH (6) –SEBINA (4) –GEAC (1) Administration –ALEPH ACQ module –CINECA software CIA –Specific software Link resolver –SFX (8) –OpenResolver (1) Metasearch –Metalib (7) –Sebina open library (1)

CIPE - VERDE, SFX architecture CIPE Instan ce CIPE Backup copy SI PD SS FI GEBO VE PR

CIPE - VERDE, ERM architecture CIPE

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs - 1 General workflow for each agreement and for each resource Resource name or Publisher 1. Selection and Evaluation of new resource / Renewal 2. Contents 3. Access - Integration and interoperability level 4. Negotiations 5. Agreement 6. Subscribers 7. Costs 8. Management of rights and obligations of users 9. Helpdesk 10. Archiving management 11. Use evaluation / Statistics 12. Annual deadline management

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs - 2 RESOURCE Publisher/Aggregators….. 1. SELECTION / EVALUATION Importance/level of priority/policy coherence trial: length, n. of participants 2. CONTENTS Kind of documentse-journals, e-books, dbase Titles Numbers subject areas IF /authoritative titles list of titles (alphabetical or subject order) update/changes Backfile format (html, pdf, xml, toc) coherence print/online

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs ACCESS – LEVEL OF INTEGRATION AND INTEROPERABILITY Local/direct access Platform url authentication IR Browsing Basic search/ advanced search Citation linking (sfx or other) Source target and updating level threshold (global-local) integration opac metaopac Metadata supply Management database and users database Holdings (print or e-only) price-list, titles, access titles, usage data

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs NEGOTIATION Level of negotiation University, Consortium, National Length of negotiation Evaluation on contents titles owners scientific societies or other publishers Subscribed titles, big-deal, UTL, cross, current/backfile, print or electronic archive Evaluation on models of cost Fte, holdings and historical expenditure, band/level of costs, level of use Consortium discount Evaluation on technological performance level of integration Evaluation on services and other added value Negotiation note

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs CONTRACT Length Expiry Renewal text Contract/licence/ conditions Right of Rescission notes of the contract

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs PARTNERS (partecipation, kind of model, time, opt out, etc.) ancona bologna firenze genova modena parma padova pisa sassari siena venezia Others

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs COSTS Economical model and single institution choice ddp on e-only model base price costs general e-only print+on line Archive/backfile price cap: on on line / on print Consortium discount Discount for one-stop billing VAT: % possible internal allotment of costs invoicing level, addresses and deadline payment Yearly costs 1. Year, possible prorata 2. Year 3. Year rise increase Notes on costs

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs MANAGEMENT USERS RIGHT/DUTIES AND COMMUNICATIONS Management users right/dutiesclauses Authentication kind ip-proxy database Allowed uses clauses Not allowed uses clauses DD e.g. Db nilde terms (or others)

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs HELPDESK Method of communication FAQ Level and contact person in the corsotium/ Level and contact persons in the publisher/ Report list : cipe-org (at cipe level)/interconsortia/single institution Publisher url for libraries/ Institutions Consortium url for libraries/Institutions

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs MANAGEMENT OF ARCHIVE RIGHTS Which rights and on which titles clauses Supply of electronic copy Supply of Paper copy Costs Agreements of Italian consortia 11. MONITORING/EVALUA TION (USAGE, COSTS) Publisher Compatibility Counter e Sushi url password University Other monitoring system (eg. SFX)

CIPE - VERDE, CIPE needs MANAGEMENT YEARLY DEADLINES Maintenance obligation/% Allowed dismission and level (single site or consortium level) Changes in economical model Changes in contents audit print - holdings Invoicing Notes

ERM evaluation THANK YOU! Bologna,