Our Christian School
Miss Evans painted our amazing Mural – it is so bright and colourful and has a line from our School Creed! Our mural!
Welcome to Chesil, Corfe, Kimmeridge, Durdle Door and Lulworth! We are starting anew Our new Class names
Our Faith Focus for a month was writing prayers. Lines from our Thankfulness prayers have been painted on pebbles which we then put around our classroom flower borders!
Our pilgrimage to Salisbury Cathedral! We walked from Old Sarum into the city – it was an amazing day!
This picture was taken at the Cathedral – do you know what it is?
An awe inspiring day!
We wrote down our hopes on leaves in the “Garden of Gethsemane” Easter Story workshop – What does it all mean? St Mary’s Mosterton March 2015 The garden was awesome, a big surprise! Toby
We all made a thumb print on the Cross as we talked about what the Cross means to Christians.
“it was interesting to find out about the meaning of the bread and wine” It was great being close to the tractor in the stained glass window!
Lower Junior Easter gardens 2015
Wow! Our wonderful Parable homework!
We like to change our Reflectio n area with our SEAL theme or Church Year
We spent time thinking about Fair Trade week with Christian Aid
Collecting for the Lords Larder “It was a good chance to really help other people with real food”
We love our Nativity plays!
Some of our Easter paintings depicting key moments at Easter
We chose Shelter as a charity to support this Christmas and the whole school made a Christmas decoration to sell for the cause.
Lower Juniors loved exploring how Divali is celebrated and making comparison s with Christian festivals
We were delighted when a student volunteered to complete the school creed for his class, Durdle Door.
We had a wonderful time this year in our Harvest Week in school! Key Stage 2 went down to Church on a very soggy Monday Morning to take part in our "Liquid Church".
All the children did a rotation of activities including: Harvest of the Grain, Harvest of the Ocean, Harvest of the Earth, Harvest of the Flock, Harvest Bunting and Jewish Thanksgiving - Sukkot. The children took part in discussions and learning about different types of bread, making Origami boats, finger knitting and making colourful bunting. Through all of the activities, they really got to think about how lucky we are and how to say "thank you" to God for our amazing world.
We made poppy wreaths for the Remembrance Service at St Mary’s Church