Starter for 5! 1.Give two reasons why people pray. 2.What are the two requirements for entering heaven? 3.What are the two Christian beliefs about judgement? 4.Give one argument to support the death penalty supported with a quote. 5. Name two of the 10 Commandments that some criminals break.
Starter for 5! 1.Give two reasons why people pray. To feel closer to God, to praise and thank God, to ask God for forgiveness, to find peace, to change the world, e.g. poverty, for friends and family, in times of trouble. 2.What are the two requirements for entering heaven? Faith in Jesus (‘no one comes to the Father except through me’) and following Jesus’ teachings e.g. ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ 3.What are the two Christian beliefs about judgement? We will be judged immediately after death OR we will be judged on the Day of Judgement (‘and he will come to judge the living and the dead’ – Apostles Creed) 4.Give one argument to support the death penalty supported with a quote. Retribution – ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, Protect society – ‘love your neighbour as yourself’. 5. Name two of the 10 Commandments that some criminals break. Do not steal, Do not murder
Festivals Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and importance of festivals for Christians. I can give two examples of Christian festivals, Christmas and Easter I can explain how and why Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter I can evaluate whether festivals such as Christmas and Easter still have meaning
Festivals There are two main festival seasons in the Christian calendar: Advent, Christmas and Epiphany (the coming of the magi/wise men) Lent, Easter and Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit) Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday
Festivals Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and importance of festivals for Christians. I can give two examples of Christian festivals, Christmas and Easter I can explain how and why Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter I can evaluate whether festivals such as Christmas and Easter still have meaning
Bumper Cars You will each be given a card with information on about either Christmas or Easter. You need to move around the room and ‘bump’ into someone. When you meet them you need to read them your card and vice versa. You then swap cards and continue to move around the room. The aim is to remember as many facts about Christmas and Easter as you can by the end of the activity. At the end you will be asked to sit down and write as many facts as you can – e-refs will be awarded to people who can remember the most!
How did you do? Christmas: Christmas remembers the incarnation of Jesus (God in human flesh). Christmas celebrations last 12 days and end with Epiphany. Trees and homes are decorated with lights to symbolise that Jesus is the light of the world. Many churches have nativity scenes and act out the nativity play to remember Jesus being born into poverty. Christians send cards and exchange gifts to remember the gifts of the wise men to Jesus. Midnight mass takes place on Christmas Eve. Easter: Easter remembers the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Easter is the most important Christian festival. The week before Easter is Holy Week where Christians remember the events leading up to the death of Jesus, e.g. Good Friday On Easter Sunday churches are filled with flowers and special hymns are sang to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. In Orthodox churches on Saturday at midnight they enter the dark church with candles to symbolise entering the empty tomb. Catholics light the Paschal candle on the Saturday night to symbolise Christ raising from the dead and have Holy Communion.
Knowledge Check! True or False: 1)Christmas celebrates the incarnation of Jesus 2)Christmas celebrations last 12 days and ends with Epiphany. 3)There is a Holy Month leading up to Easter Sunday. 4)Orthodox churches light the Paschal Candle. 5)Easter is more important to Christians than Christmas.
Festivals Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and importance of festivals for Christians. I can give two examples of Christian festivals, Christmas and Easter I can explain how and why Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter I can evaluate whether festivals such as Christmas and Easter still have meaning
Get Creative! Choose one of the following activities to consolidate your understanding of Christian festivals: Rewrite the lyrics to the song ‘I wish it could be Christmas everyday’ using your knowledge on Christian Christmas celebrations. Include: The giving of gifts The term ‘incarnation’ Christmas lasting for 12 days Light to show Jesus is the light of the world Epiphany Midnight Mass Design a logo and slogan for the Christian festival of Easter. Include references to: The resurrection of Jesus Egg symbolising new life Candles (these are lit by Orthodox and Catholic churches) Create a Facebook Event page for either Christmas or Easter using the key learning from this lesson.
Evaluate – John Lewis Christmas advert ‘Christmas and Easter are no longer religious festivals.’ What do you think?
Festivals Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and importance of festivals for Christians. I can give two examples of Christian festivals, Christmas and Easter I can explain how and why Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter I can evaluate whether festivals such as Christmas and Easter still have meaning