P hilippine N etwork for I njury D ata M anagement S ystem PROPOSED SYSTEM DESIGN Information Management Service
Overview The PNIDMS A multi-sectoral organization composed of government agencies and non-government organizations that will establish and maintain a coordinated data management system that can link, integrate, or combine injury data from various sources or systems to provide an overall picture for policy makers at the national, regional, and local levels.
Major Task 1.Development and maintenance of the PNIDMS website. 2.Design and implementation of the most efficient and effective way of how injury systems and/or data from various sources can be integrated or linked to obtain real value from information. 3.Facilitate data collection, management, transmission, analysis, access, dissemination, and sharing of injury-related data. 4.Development of standards (policies and/or procedures) to synchronize all related injury reporting systems or data to eliminate duplication, improve the quality of data/information, and optimize government resources. a)System/Data Integration and Sharing Standards b)Data Management Standards c)Network Standards d)Manual of Operations for the PNIDMS
Network Members 1.World Health Organization 2.United Nations Children’s Fund 3.Safe Kids Philippines 4.Department of Health 5.Department of Public Works and Highways 6.Department of Transportation and Communications 7.Headquarters Highway Patrol Group – Philippine National Police 8.Land Transportations Office 9.Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
PNIDMS Organizational Structure Oversight Committee Technical Working Group Head or duly authorized representative of all the member government agencies and non-government organizations. It shall function as the decision making of the network and shall review and act upon all the recommendations of the Technical Working Group. Permanent and alternate member representing each of the designated member government agency and non- government organization. Secretariat (DOH)
The Need for an Integrated Injury Reporting System Solution USER-S’ REQUIREMENTS WORKSHOP SUMMARY November 18-19, 2010, City State Tower Hotel. Critical Problems to be addressed No Existing Injury Data Management System Duplication of Data Dissimilar mode of collection of data employed by each agency Diverse raw data format from different agencies Difficulty in Data Integration Development Implementation Maintenance Sustainability Maintenance Increased Cost
System Objectives Establish Information system that can link, integrate, or combine injury data from various sources or systems. –Establish common standards –Eliminate/Reduce Duplicate reporting –Reduce complexity and cost –Optimize resources Standardization of Input/Reporting Forms –Data to be submitted will incorporate the requirements of other government offices / stakeholders Standard procedure on Data Collection System must be Accessible to all stakeholders System should be flexible to generate custom reports Ease of Use Highly Secured
CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM PNP DOH DPWH MMDA DOTC LTO Gov’t Agencies Philippine Network for Injury Data Management System “PNIDMS” Accident Report Data AR Legend: Accident Report Data = Accident Reform Form AR = Accident Report
Legend: Web-Based – Real Time Accident Report Submission Client-Based- Scheduled “by Batch” Accident Report Submission AR Case No – Accident Report Case No, use as System Data ID Data Integration PNIDMS DATABASE PNP Road Accident AR Case No Online PNIDMS Reporting HOSPITAL Data Uploading Report Processing Online National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (ONEISS ) Philippine Network Injury Data Management System Website 1. Web Based 2. PNIDMS Client Based System OUTPUTS Agency Data Beneficiaries Standard Reporting Form Accident Report Injury Case SYSTEM MODEL