El alfabeto
¿Cómo se deletrea tu nombre? Bell ringer ¿Cómo se deletrea tu nombre? (How do you spell your name?) In your composition books, spell out your first and last names in Spanish. For example, Señorita Sansoucie would be: Es-say ay en-yay oh air-ray ee tay ah Es-say ah en-nay es-say oh oooh thay ee ay
Pronunciation challenge
hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia Meaning: A fear of the pronunciation of long words
Los sonidos The sounds
A ah Example: amigo
B b Example: brazo
C th / s When “C” is used with the vowels “I” and “E,” it makes the “th” (Spain) or “s” (Latin Am.) sound. Example: cebolla
C k When “C” is used with consonants and the vowels “A”, “O,” and “U,” it makes the “K” sound. Example: cubiertos
D d Example: dedo
E ay Example: español
F f Example: feo
When “G” is used with the vowels “I” and “E,” it makes the “h” sound. Example: gemelas
G g When “G” is used with consonants and the vowels “A,” “O,” and “U,” it makes the “g” sound. Example: gato
Unless “H” is combined with “C” (like “ch”), it is not pronounced. silent Unless “H” is combined with “C” (like “ch”), it is not pronounced. Example: hola
I ee Example: iglesia
J h Example: jugo
K k The letter “K” is not typically used in Spanish unless it is in a word taken from a foreign language. The “K” sound is made by “C” and “Q.” Example: kilo
L l Example: lobo
M m Example: mapa
N n Example: nariz
Ñ ny Example: piñata
O oh Example: ojo
P p Example: pelo
Q k Example: queso
R r Example: rana
S s Example: sol
T t Example: tigre
U oooh Example: uvas
In Spanish, “B” and “V” make the same noise. Example: vaca
W w The letter “W” is not typically used in Spanish unless it is in a word taken from a foreign language.
X x Example: examen
Y y Example: yeso
Z th / s In Spain, “Z” makes a “th” sound. In Latin America, it makes an “s” sound. Example: zapatos
CH ch Example: chocolate
LL y Example: amarillo
RR rr Example: ferrocarril
Accents Los acentos
When a word has a written accent in it, the emphasis is placed on that particular letter with the accent. If there is no written accent, the emphasis is typically placed on the vowel in the second to last syllable. This is NOT the rule in every case, but when in doubt, go with the second to last syllable.
Á AH Example: pájaro
É AY Example: café
Í EE Example: río
Ó OH Example: marrón
Ú OOOH Example: champú
Let’s See What you’ve Learned! Dictado
Me llamo María. Soy una chica española Me llamo María. Soy una chica española. Tengo cinco años y vivo en Barcelona.