Theano the Thouria Student and Pythagora's wife.She is considered as the most famous ancient woman astronomer and cosmologist. She occupied on the theory of numbers and taught mathematics and astronomy in the Pythagorean school of Samos and Krotona. She is assigned with the opinion of the "Golden Ratio".
Arignoti Daughter of Pythagoras which was a philosopher, writer and mathematician. She wrote a mathematical book entitled "On numbers“ which was lost.
Melissa Worked on the construction of regular polygons which are entered in a circle. The relationship is due to Melissa. Type: …+v 2 =[v(v+1)/2] 2
Ptolemy New pythagorean philosopher, physicist and mathematician which demonstrated the interchanging property of numbers.
Diotima Priestess of the Mantinea, an expert of the Pythagorean number's wisdom and geometry. She is the only woman who participated in male-dominated Plato's Symposium.
Periktioni Plato's mother, pythagorean philosopher, writer and mathematician. Stovaios states that Periktioni "holded the geometry and the arithmetic ".
Academy of Plato (4th century BC)
Edited by: Choreftaki Zina Renieri Maria Fritaki Georgia Simantirakis Vasilis Stathakis Giannis