The Amazon Rainforest
Size 2,123,562 sq mi or 1.4 billion acres (Rainforest) 3,119, square miles (U.S.)
Climate of the Region A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem that occurs in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. High average temperatures Significant amount of rainfall.
Biodiversity One in ten known species in the world lives in the Amazon Rainforest Many endangered animals
Giant Otter A study in 2006 suggested 1,000 to 5,000 otters remain
Golden Lion Tamarin Estimated wild population of approximately 1,500 individuals
Hyacinth Macaw In 1990, the wild population was estimated to be 2,500 birds.
Short-tailed Chinchilla The last short-tailed chinchilla sighting in the wild was in 1953
Jaguar Jaguars have been eradicated from over 40% of their historical range They are extinct in two countries: El Salvador and Uruguay.
Problems in the Rainforest Deforestation Hunting and Poaching Exploitation of Resources
Deforestation Two main causes: – Cattle Pastures – Agriculture (Soy)
Hunting and Poaching Wildlife smuggling is Brazil's third most profitable illegal activity, after arms dealing and drug smuggling. Poachers are taking an estimated 38 million birds, reptiles and other animals from the wild each year.
Exploitation of Resources Oil Hardwoods Precious Metals
Indigenous People ge ge