Time for new strategy to losing the weight.
What is weight loss? o Weight loss is nothing But is a reduction of the total body mass. o It can happen by coincidence due to an primary disease or can happen from a mindful attempt to improve an actual or supposed overweight.
Methods for losing the weight Normal way. Medical Way.
Normal way of losing the weight Instead of the fixed 3 meals in a day, eat only when you are really hungry, and eat what you want but try to be well. Avoid cake, chocolate, brownies, potato chips, fizzy drinks, ice cream, or any junk food especially high calories food.
Continue… Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. Avoid the food that contain a lot of sugar like sodas or juices. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, especially when you feel bit hungry.
Continue… Take one spoon of honey with the warm water daily in the morning. It will help you a lot. Don’t forget to do the exercise daily in the morning around 1 hour.
Medical way to lose the weight. weight loss surgery also known as Bariatric surgery includes a range of procedures performed on person who are overweight. Weight loss is possible by minimizing the size of the stomach or through removal of a portion of the stomach.
Continue… Weight loss surgery is one of the best and most effective method to reduce the weight.
Type of Weight loss surgery Gastric Banding. Gastric Bypass. Gastric sleeve resection. Biliopancreatic Diversion.
Advantage of Weight loss surgery The biggest Advantage of weight loss surgery is that, it is long term and permanent solution. It will help you to remove the Type 2 diabetes % excess weight loss. gastric band surgery is a low risk procedure.
Presented By: Dr. Saurabh Mishra.
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