typical controller system sensors acquisition system (Icube, PIC, Basic Stamp) mapping software (Max, PD, ?) output(?)
useful resources Fraden, a handbook of modern sensors MSI piezo manual acroname.com, infusion systems ($$$!!!!) Datasheets!
other favorite resources Digi key American science and surplus smallparts.com Mcmaster-Carr / MSC industrial catalogs
what to sense? position, velocity, acceleration, rotation temperature, light, sound pressure, torque, bending ON/OFF ?
Switches discrete output toggle, normally on, off can provide visual and tactile feedback
Potentiometers common types: linear taper, audio taper (log) rotary, linear, multiturn +V ref GND V out
Variable resistors V output Variable resistor R2 R1 Vout = Vref R2/(R1+R2) If sensor range is 10k-35kΩ, and R2=20kΩthen Vout range is.66Vref =>.36Vref
Bend Sensor
FSR resistance drops when pressed
accelerometers inclination, acceleration
Rate Gyros Analog devices ADXRS410 or similar voltage output proportional to angular velocity
IR distance sensors Sharp GP2D12 (AKA the toilet sensor)
Qprox capacitive sensing QT301 circuit
Devantech SRF04 Ranger (acroname.com) pulse length proportional to distance
Hall effect Magnetic field sensors Allegro 1321 linear amplifier in chip!
Piezoelectric materials PZT PVDF excellent drum triggers, contact microphones