Silicon Detectors for the NUSTAR Experiments – an Overview Peter Egelhof GSI Darmstadt, Germany Working Group on Silicon Detectors NUSTAR Week Kolkata, India October 9, 2012 NUSTAR FAIR
Si Detector Projects in NUSTAR NUSTAR FAIR
Si Detector Projects in NUSTAR NUSTAR FAIR R3BR3B
Si Detector Projects in NUSTAR NUSTAR FAIR R3BR3B EXL
Si Detector Projects in FAIR NUSTAR FAIR 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR GSI today Future facility ESR FLAIR Rare-Isotope Production Target Antiproton Production Target NUSTAR
Si Detector Projects in FAIR NUSTAR FAIR 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR GSI today Future facility ESR FLAIR Rare-Isotope Production Target Antiproton Production Target NUSTAR SHE
Si Detector Projects in FAIR NUSTAR FAIR 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR GSI today Future facility ESR FLAIR Rare-Isotope Production Target Antiproton Production Target NUSTAR SHE CBM
Si Detector Projects in FAIR NUSTAR FAIR 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR GSI today Future facility ESR FLAIR Rare-Isotope Production Target Antiproton Production Target NUSTAR SHE CBM PANDA
Si Detector Project outside FAIR NUSTAR FAIR SPIRAL 2 INITIALLY : Fully integrated 4 (particle) + 4 ( )
Projects on Silicon Arrays – an Overview ProjectpurposeDSSD sensor specifi- cations detector setupproducercombin- ation with statusspecialities R3BR3Btracking150X100mm 2 pitch 50 µm 3 layers DSSD`sMICRONCalorimeter LH2 target prototyping CBMtracking25X20 mm 2 pitch 120 µm 8 layers DSSD`sCSI Erfurtcomplex setup R&D prototyping radiation hardness PANDAtracking60X60 mm 2 pitch 100 µm 4 barrelsCSI Erfurt Russia ? complex setup R&D prototyping Hybrid Pixel Det. EXLspectroscopy tracking 65X65 mm 2 pitch 0.5 mm 2 layers DSSD`s 2 layers Si(Li) PTI St. Petersburg/ Maxwell Calorimeter Int. targ. of ESR/NESR prototyping first exp. at ESR UHV thin dead layer HYDE/ GASPARD spectroscopy isotope identification 62X62 mm 2 pitch 0.4 mm 3 layers DSSD`s 2 layers thick Si MICRON/ CNM Barce- lona Calorimeter AGATA prototypingFEE outside vacuum PSA AIDAdecay spectroscopy 80X80 mm 2 pitch 625 µm 10 layers DSSD`s MICRONNeutron Array ready for exp. big dynamic range LYCCAisotope identification 58X58 mm 2 pitch 2mm 2 layers DSSD`sRADCON (Russia) TOF CSI Prototyping first exp. big dynamic range SHEdecay spectroscopy 58X58 mm 2 pitch 2 mm 1 layer DSSDRADCON (Russia) TOF Ge ready for exp. big dynamic range
High energy Ions from this direction Liquid Hydrogen Target 3 Layers of Silicon Vacuum Chamber Calorimeter Si Detectors for R 3 B slides from R. Lemmon
October 2012 – FEE design complete; ready for prototyping December Mechanical design finished December Prototype sensors delivered and tested 4 masks, 14 sensors ordered April Assemble and test first prototype ladder Q to Q Si Production Assembly and tests 114 sensors ordered August FEE prototyping finished Q to Q Assembly and installation at GSI April 2015 – Project ends Partial Milestones
EXL: EXotic Nuclei Studied in Light-Ion Induced Reactions at the NESR Storage Ring Electron cooler RIB‘s from the Super-FRS EXL Design goals: Universality: applicable to a wide class of reactions High energy resolution and high angular resolution Large solid angle acceptance Specially dedicated for low q measurements with high luminosity (> cm -2 s -1 ) Detection systems for: Target recoils and gammas (p,α,n,γ) Forward ejectiles (p,n) Beam-like heavy ions
Specifications of the Silicon Detectors for EXL low threshold ≤ 40 keV ( constraints on thickness of entrance windows) high energy resolution ≤ 20 keV pitch size ≥ 0.5 mm active area 65 X 65 mm 2 large dynamic range: 100 keV to 50 MeV readout of energy, time, PSA?? self triggering moderate count rates UHV (HV) compatibility ( partly)
P-side strips partly metallized, thin entrance window: 600 Angström !!!! N-side strips metallized μ Small interstrip gap of 15μ ( ≈ ( ≈ 5% of pitch) Interstrip gap: μ (by p + imp.) 65μ (by p + imp.) ( ≈ 22 % of pitch) P-side ┴ N-side producer: PTI St. Petersburg / MAXWELL company Si Detectors for EXL
2nd Series of DSSD`s from PTI St. Petersburg: 64 X 64 mm 2
Inner shell of DSSDs on support frame forms (bakeable) vacuum barrier Space for other DSSDs, Si(Li), FEE and cabling Differential pumping proposed to separate NESR vacuum from EXL instrumentation (cabling, FEE, other detectors) UHV Capability of the EXL Silicon Ball: Concept: using DSSD`s as high vacuum barrier
p DSSD mounted into AlN PCB P-side towards UHV N-side and spring-pin connectors at auxiliary vacuum Cup springs P-side: in UHV N-side UHV-Barrier DSSD Prototype Design
M. Lindemulder, KVI Top view DSSD – SiLi –SiLi telescope Design for First ESR Experiments
Detector Setup FAIR
Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) UK collaboration: University of Edinburgh, University of Liverpool, STFC Daresbury Laboratory & STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory SuperFRS Exotic nuclei ~ 50 – 200MeV/u Implant – decay correlations Multi-GeV implantation events Subsequent low-energy decays Tag events for gamma and neutron detector arrays Detector: multi-plane Si DSSD array wafer thickness 1mm 8cm x 8cm (128x128 strips) or 24cm x 8cm (384x128 strips) Instrumentation: ASIC low noise (<12keV FWHM), low threshold (0.25% FSR) 20GeV FSR plus ( 20MeV FSR or 1GeV FSR) fast overload recovery (~ s) spectroscopy performance time-stamping slides from T. Davinson Si Detectors for AIDA
AIDA Mechanical Mechanical design for 8cm x 8cm and 24cm x 8cm DSSSDs is complete Evaluate performance of 8cm x 8cm design before proceeding to manufacture of 24cm x 8cm design Design compatible with BELEN, TAS, MONSTER, RISING, FATIMA etc. - Design drawings (PDF) available
AIDA: status DSSSD with sub-contractor (MSL) cm x 8cm samples and prototypes delivered Production hardware (ASIC, FEE Mezzanine PCB, FEE PCB) has been delivered by sub-contractors ASIC + FEE Mezzanine module assembly - 37 complete - 40 queued FEE PCB QA acceptance tests - 50 tested ok - 17 partly tested - 7 with faults requiring further testing Mechanical design and infrastructure (HV, PSUs, cooling etc.) - detector HV, FEE PSUs, cooling & FEE crates delivered - support assembly University of Liverpool workshop due to end-Feb 2012
RIB from FRS Secondary Target Diamond or Plastic Time-of-Flight(ΔE, x, y) CsIDSSD (E)(x, y) slides from P. Golubev Si Detectors for LYCCA
LYCCA: Detectors ToF detectors: 2 plastic Scintillators Target Station: DSSSD Diamond E-E telescope: DSSSD + 9 CsI
Silicon Detectors (LYCCA) LYCCA 300 µm DSSSD Produced at RADCON Ltd., Zelenograd, Russia 1.4 – 1.6 k€/DSSSD Bonded to custom made frames at Lund 32 x 32 strips Nominal resistivity: 4.3 – 10 kΩ cm Wafer: N Technology: Ion implanted, tot. Deplited, Multi- guard Dead layers: junction/ohmic – 0.5 1.0/1.85 µm Active area size: 58.5 mm x 58.5 mm Chip size: 58.0 x 58.0 mm Inter strip distance: 75 µm Capacity: pF/strip + Full depletion: ~ 50V Leakage current: 5-10 nA/strip Energy resolution: alpha MeV, 25 keV/strip
LYCCA commissioning and experiments Mar 2010Oct.10-May /13Sept./Oct 2010 LYCCA-0 FRS PreSpec FRS S272 I.Tanihata et al. 64 Ni / 63 Co ( ) 86 Kr ( ) FRS Experiments: 88 Kr (10/2010)S369 Jolie et al. 104 Sn (11/2010)S392 Cederkall, Gorska et al. 36 Ar (05/2011)S377 Reiter et al.
LYCCA first experiments
LYCCA: Z Identification Z = 0.55 0.07 for 33 Z 36 E vs LYCCA momentum corrected E E raw Calibration of E raw Z cal 84Kr fission beam, S369 exp. data
slides from I. Martel Si Detectors for HYDE and GASPARD
Summary and conclusions Mechanical design fixed: gain in efficiency of GASPHYDE+PARIS w/r to a recently used MUST2+EXOGAM setup is a factor of about CHyMENE (fully funded) is presently being designed for integration in GASPHYDE. Test experiments at LNL and LNS with GASPHYDE prototypes PACI-ASIC preamplifier under development at IPN3. ASIC shapers & logic under development at UHU. FPGA implementation of PSA using neural networks. Production of square and trapezoidal DSSD prototype detector at CNM- Barcelona. GASPHYDE demonstrator is envisioned for the end of 2015.
Projects on Silicon Arrays – an Overview ProjectpurposeDSSD sensor specifi- cations detector setupproducercombin- ation with statusspecialities R3BR3Btracking150X100mm 2 pitch 50 µm 3 layers DSSD`sMICRONCalorimeter LH2 target prototyping CBMtracking25X20 mm 2 pitch 120 µm 8 layers DSSD`sCSI Erfurtcomplex setup R&D prototyping radiation hardness PANDAtracking60X60 mm 2 pitch 100 µm 4 barrelsCSI Erfurt Russia ? complex setup R&D prototyping Hybrid Pixel Det. EXLspectroscopy tracking 65X65 mm 2 pitch 0.5 mm 2 layers DSSD`s 2 layers Si(Li) PTI St. Petersburg/ Maxwell Calorimeter Int. targ. of ESR/NESR prototyping first exp. at ESR UHV low energies PSA? HYDE/ GASPARD spectroscopy isotope identification 62X62 mm 2 pitch 0.4 mm 3 layers DSSD`s 2 layers thick Si MICRON/ CNM Barce- lona Calorimeter AGATA prototypingFEE outside vacuum PSA AIDAdecay spectroscopy 80X80 mm 2 pitch 625 µm 10 layers DSSD`s MICRONNeutron Array ready for exp. big dynamic range LYCCAisotope identification 58X58 mm 2 pitch 2mm 2 layers DSSD`sRADCON (Russia) TOF CSI prototyping first exp. big dynamic range SHEdecay spectroscopy 58X58 mm 2 pitch 2 mm 1 layer DSSDRADCON (Russia) TOF Ge ready for exp. big dynamic range
AGENDA Meeting of the Working Group on Silicon Detectors Kolkata, India, October 9, 2012 NUSTAR FAIR Welcome and Introduction P. Egelhof (GSI Darmstadt) 5 min Silicon Detectors for the NUSTAR Experiments – an Overview P. Egelhof (GSI Darmstadt) min Development of Silicon Detectors at BARC using Industry Facilities A. Topkar (BARC) min Application of Silicon Detectors at Mumbai D. C. Biswas (BARC) min The 4-Pi Charged Particle Array at VECC S. Kundu (VECC) Silicon Detectors for Superheavy Element Research D. Ackermann (GSI Darmstadt) min 5 min General Discussion20 min
Presentation provided by D. C. Biswas
Silicon Tracker, the central CBM tracker device STS: 8 detector stations in thermal enclosure J. Heuser et al, GSI S ilicon T racking S ystem, M icro V ertex D etector, Target, Beam pipe, Superconducting Dipole Magnet 48 MVD: 2 detector stations in vacuum vessel J. Stroth et al IKF Frankfurt ~ 0.5% X 0 STS area, 8 stations: 3.2 m 2 sensors: 1068 sectors: 756 r/o channels: 1.5 10 6 FE chips: 1.2 10 4 each station incl. cables and support structure: 1% X 0 talk by C.J. Schmidt
PANDA Micro-Vertex-Detector Central part: Four barrel layers Forward part: Six disk layers Detector types: Pixel sensors, 12 mio. pixels INFN Torino Double-sided microstrip sensors, strips University Bonn Target Beam r max = 150 mm z / mm r / mm talk by C.J. Schmidt
(p,p), (α,α`), ( 3 He,t) reactions with 58 Ni and 56 Ni beams Next Step: Accepted Proposal E105 for Feasibility Studies and First Experiments with RIB`s at the ESR proof of principles and feasibility studies: background conditions in the environment of an internal target low energy threshold pulse shape analysis target extension and density performance of in-ring detection system reactions with 58 Ni: reactions with 56 Ni: 56 Ni: doubly magic nucleus!! (p,p) reactions: nuclear matter distr. (α,α`) reactions: giant resonances ISGMR, IVGDR, parameters of the EOS ( 3 He,t) reactions: Gamow-Teller matrix elements, important for astrophys. after ESR upgrade: steps further away from stability