Born February 1 st, 1902 › Born in Joplin, Missouri Parents were separated, so he mostly lived with his maternal grandma › Lived in Lawrence, Kansas After his grandma died he went and lived with his mother in Cleveland, Ohio › This is where he started writing poetry
After High School he went to Colombia College in 1920, but only attend for one year › After his one year of college he traveled around and held many odd jobs Odd Jobs include: Merchant Seas men Busboy Night Club He wrote Poetry the entire time he traveled
Amy Spingarn helped Langston finance his college at Lincoln University ( ) In the 1930’s Langston was drawn to the Communist Party › He wrote poems for the “New Masses” a journal associated with the Communist party › He traveled to the Soviet Union in 1932
He was a founder of the Harlem Renaissance movement Langston wrote poems, plays, short stories, and a column for the Chicago “Defender” His work focused on modern black life. And his work demanded that African Americans be acknowledged as owners of the culture that they gave to the United States.
The stanzas of his poems were formed on the rhythm of Jazz The language and Vocabulary of his poems were adapted from everyday black speech
His first poem was published in 1920 › “ The Negro Speaks of Rivers” His first Volume of poems was published in 1926, with the help of Carl Van Vechten › “Watery Blues” He had poems appear in both › Alain Locke’s anthology › Countee Cullen’s anthology
In 1926 “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountains” appeared in the “Nation” Money was tight for Langston and in 1930 his novel “Not Without Laughter” was published and this solidified sales and allowed him to support himself › This Novel won Harmon Gold Medal for Literature › Before this Charlotte Mason subsidized him in New York until 1930
Langston was able to support him-self after “Not Without Laughter” but money was still tight › In 1947 he wrote the lyrics to a “Street Scene” and he was then able to buy a house In 1951 he published “Montage of a Dream Deferred” › One of his most known works › After he wrote 20 more works until his death
Langston died May 22, 1967 He died from complications of Prostate Cancer He died in New York, New York
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