This disease is parasitic and caused by worms. The common name is VLM. It is passed to humans through contaminated soil by eat fruits, vegetables, raw liver of a chicken, lamb, or cow. The symptoms are abdominal pain, cough, fever, irritability, itchy skin (hives), shortness of breath, and wheezing with serious infections. No symptoms may appear for mild cases. Severe cases may affect the brain or heart. This could result in death. Mild cases may not require treatment. Some people need to take anti-parasitic drugs. You can deworm your dogs and cats. You can also wash your hands after touching a cat or a dog. Website: A cycle of how Visceral Larva Migrans Works Visceral Larva Migran worms Nicole Hughes
Disease Category: Bacteria Common Name: “Bang’s Disease” How is it passed to humans?: Contact with blood of infected animal. Consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. 2 symptoms: Animal- vomiting, abortion to fetus Human- extreme fatigue, loss of appetite How will it harm humans if untreated?: Doesn’t usually kill, but the outcome is very serious. Prevention: Don’t buy dairy products from unlicensed retailers. Marquia Below 4 th Hour
Q fever is a bacteria Its normally spread to humans airborne. Animals normally don’t show symptoms: humans have flu like symptoms If a human is not treated it can cause brain & heart problems How to prevent: vaccination of workers, workplace hygiene, & personal precautions QFEVPUB.pdf Anna Homerding
Disease category Fungi. Common name Ringworm Humans can get it by touching an infected animal. Itchy skin, red scaly patch, blister, inflammation of the claws, bald spots. It will harm you by spreading to other parts of your body. To prevent it keep skin dry and clean. Shampoo your pet. Delaney Brovick
Disease Category- Parasite. Common Name- Toxoplasma or just Toxoplasmosis. How is passed to humans- Contact with infected feces or food items. Two signs and symptoms- Animals: Weight loss, seizures, vomiting and diarrhea. Humans: Seizures, short of breath and flu symptoms. How will it harm humans if not treated- It could cause damage to the eyes, brain and other organs. How it can be prevented- Animals: Keep your cat indoors, don’t allow it to hunt and eat wild mice, birds, etc. Humans: Clean litter box daily, clean all food you eat and raw food your pet eats. Miranda Hopkins 4 th hour
1. Parasite 6. Treatment to destroy tapeworms is critical avoid transmission to humans (typically children) 7. Humans- nausea, weakness, Animals- low Energy, pot Bellied 8. In rare cases, it can lead to serious conditions, like blocking the intestine. 10. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating or handling food and after using the bath. Mackenzie Smith
Disease Category: Bacteria Common Name: Cat Scratch Fever The disease is passed to humans when a cat who is infected, scratches itself causing infected flea dirt ( Bartonella henselae) to get in its claws and then scratches the human. Signs or Symptoms: - animals: Small red bumps where its infected, swollen or painful lymph nodes - humans: fever, headache, fatigue, joint pain, skin eruptions, and weight loss If not treated you may get rashes or bumps but they will usually go away on their own. If not you need to go to your doctor to get cream or medicine. Prevention: - Avoid rough play and other activities with cats that could lead to biting and scratching. - Keep cats indoors to avoid exposure to fleas and ticks. - Keep your cat’s claws trimmed. - If you do get scratched or bitten, wash promptly with soap and water. - Talk to your vet about an effective flea control plan - Take care not to let your cat lick any open wounds or cuts you may have. Alexa Rhyner
Parasite You get it from - Eating infected food - Walking barefoot on infected soil Symptoms -Animals~ weight loss - look unhealthy -Humans~ weight loss – anemia You will not die from it Prevention -Keep environment clean -Limit contact with infected soil and skin Angel Bloedel
-It is a bacteria. - This disease is passed to humans through the air, contact with the skin, and contaminating meat. - In horses, signs of Anthrax are: colic and fever - In humans, signs of Anthrax are: fever and falling blood pressure - If not treated, humans may die. - To prevent Anthrax, there is a vaccine for people and horses.
It’s a bacteria It can be passed by your pets urine Symptoms-dog-fever and vomiting. human-fever and depression Can be prevented by keeping rodents under control. If not treated in humans then death may acure. Monica Bartram
Animals- Kidney disease Nervous system disorder Humans- Fever, Swollen lymph nodes About 60% of untreated patients develop arthritis. Bacteria Lyme Disease The animal with the tick comes in the house. The tick falls off then finds its way to you. Make sure you check yourself and your animals for ticks every time you get out of the woods. Nick Rabideau
1. Bacteria 6. Passed to humans either from milk from cattle or by coming in contact with the animal 7. Animals: weight loss and no appetite Humans: Cold symptoms and weight loss 8. It will spread through out the body 10. Stay away from wild animals, drink pasteurized milk and keep away from infected animals Erin Augustine
RNA Virus Disease Category: Virus Ducks, chickens, pigs, whales, horses, and seals Headache, vomiting, fever, cough HIV, SARS Hepatitis C Influenza (most common) *Can kill, but not always* Single stranded RNA virus Attacks cells 1.Indirectly from a host (pig) 2.Directly from birds or avian virus-contaminated environments Not really preventable... Cassie Holmes
Virus Common name; West Nile Mosquitoes pass it from birds to humans or other animals only 10% of people die with neurologic infection,, Animal symptoms; fever, inability to swallow Human symptoms; fever, headaches (not many people get any signs.) Prevention; stay covered up, insect proof homes, and use insect repellant as much as possible. Kali Krafjack
Parasite contracted from contact with feces Nausea and abdominal pain in humans Weakness and weight loss in animals If untreated, causes severe damage to liver, eyes, heart, and brain Easily prevented by washing hands frequently and cleaning yard of feces once a week Nate Watson