The American Revolution
N. Amer. colonists were inspired by Enlight. ideas
I. Britain & Its Amer. Colonies 1600s-1700s = Brit. colonists thrived along E. shore of N. Amer = George III (King) Pop. of colonies grew 1700 (250,000) 1770 (2,150,000) Relied on trade w/Euro. nations New identity was forming Each colony had own govt. Considered to be less Brit. & more Amer. BUT, still fell under Brit. law
1651: the Navigation Act (restricted trade to Brit. only) Policies benefited both Amer = raw materials Brit = manufactured items
II. Amers. Win Independence = Fr. & Indian War Brits. won all lands east of Mississippi R. Brit. ran up a huge debt (colonists must pay) 1765 = Stamp Act (tax on all written material) “No taxation w/out representation!”
A. Tension Grows = relations grew worse Patriots = 1/3 of pop. Loyalists = 1/3 of pop = import tax on tea Boston Tea Party Brit. navy closed port of Boston Colonists protested Intolerable Acts
1774 = the First Continental Congress Philadelphia wanted full repeal of Intolerable Acts April 1775 = Brit. marched to seize colonial guns & gunpowder (Lexington & Concord) May 1775 = the Second Continental Congress July 4, 1776 = Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson (John Locke) all men are created equal & have certain “unalienable rights”---among these rights are “Life, Liberty, & the pursuit of Happiness” Locke = people had right to rebel against govt.
III. War for Independence Advantages for Amers. Home field advantage War was not popular among Brits. Brits. had not fielded a standing army (late 1600s) Brits. had no allies Hired German mercenaries (Hessians) Advantages for Brits. Strong army & navy Amers. were not completely united Brits. had more $ Amers. had trouble building strong army
A. The Fighting (most fighting took place) Oct – turning point Amers. defeated Brits. (Saratoga, NY) Louis XVI (Fr.) helped Amers. (1778) 1781—Amers. & Fr. defeated Lord Charles Cornwallis (Yorktown, VA)
B. Ending the War 1783: Treaty of Paris ended Amer. Rev. Amers. won independence & large territory
IV. Amers. Create a Republic Need a nat’l govt. 1781: accepted the Articles of Confederation Est. U.S. as a republic
A. A Weak Nat’l Govt : govt. under Articles lasted Provided for Congress, but no executive or judicial powers Congress had no power to enforce measures Needed $ to operate (at mercy of states)
V. The Constitution 1787: met in Phila. to revise Articles Realized they needed a constitution Constitutional Convention Create a central govt. Federal system of govt. (divided govt. powers betw. central govt. & individual states) Framers distrusted powerful central govt. – 3 branches Checks & balances
A. The Bill of Rights Sept. 17, 1787—Constitution was adopted Did it offer protection & freedom to people? Bill of Rights (1791) Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly Also, freedom from illegal search & seizure, jury trial Const. & Bill of Rights = put Enlight. ideas into practice
VI. Legacy of the Enlight. Philosophes examined societal ideas Formed new theories
A. Belief in Progress 1500s--1600s: Sci. Rev. Ideas spread into 1700s Gave people confidence that reason could solve social problems Wanted an end to slavery, more social equality, & democratic govt.
B. A More Secular Outlook People questioned religion & Church b/c of Sci. Rev.
C. Importance of the Individual Individualism arose People looked to themselves Adam Smith Extended emphasis on the individual to economic thinking The Wealth of Nations (Laissez-faire) 1. law of self-interest 2. law of competition 3. law of supply & demand