An Integrated Instructional Model for Accelerating Student Achievement in Science and Literacy in Grades 1-2 Nancy Romance, Florida Atlantic University Michael Vitale, East Carolina University Annemarie Palincsar, University of Michigan NSF DR K-12 PI Meeting Washington, DC June 1-3, 2016
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Project Challenge: Thinking about How to Approach and Develop Student Reading Comprehension Proficiency in Science – Approach taken by Primary Science IDEAS (gr 1-2) and Science IDEAS (gr 3-5) – Approach taken by the field of Reading Education – Audience Activity: Comprehending a grade 3 passage on liquids
Science IDEAS: An Integrated Science and Literacy Model Science IDEAS: An Instructional Model – Follows an architecture which applies a disciplinary core concept framework to identify, organize and sequence all instructional activities – Core concept framework means that “ what is being taught ” and “ how it is organized and sequenced ” are the first steps in planning for instruction in which literacy can be integrated into science – All lesson components are focused on developing student meaningful understanding (comprehension) of the science core concepts and concept relationships to be learned – Literacy in this Model includes having students read across multiple print/digital sources and write (journaling/informational booklets) so as to provide opportunities for students to continue to learn more about what they are learning much like experts.
Science IDEAS: Reading Comprehension Routine Routine followed by the teacher during reading instruction in science: Previews/reflects/creates ‘knowledge notes’ to use when guiding reading Accesses/builds relevant student prior/background knowledge Reads/discusses each paragraph highlighting core concepts and sub-concepts Discusses/links concepts across paragraphs Guides summarization of a page/section focused on a main topic Re-reads/guides students in identifying and recording concept terms (science vocabulary) on postit notes Links core concepts to hands-on experiences and other relevant sources of information Links other related science concepts resulting from reading across multiple sources (CCSS-ELA) Guides student organization of core concepts and sub-concepts by building a class concept map Guides student writing using the concept map as a blueprint for writing
How Literacy is Integrated into Science IDEAS: Grades 1-2 & 3-5 For all Grades Year-long, school-wide implementation in all regular classrooms (Grades 1-5) Time Allocation Primary Science IDEAS - Grades 1-2: 45 minutes daily Science IDEAS - Grades 3-5: 1.5 to 2 hours daily
Research Questions Was the instructional intervention, Science IDEAS, and its associated components feasible to implement? Did student performance outcomes support the direct effects of the intervention in grades 1-2 and a transfer effect to grade 3 and in grades 3- 5 and a transfer effect to grades 6-7? a)Nationally-Normed Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) – Science and Reading Subtests b)District/NGSS – Oriented Science Benchmark Tests c)Student attitude toward and self-confidence in science learning and reading comprehension? Was the direct effect of the intervention moderated by the following variables: a)Student demographics (e.g., ethnicity, gender, at-risk status) b)Teacher/classroom characteristics (e.g., years of experience, amount of professional development attended, fidelity of implementation score, and grade level).
Reading Educators’ Approach to Reading Comprehension Emphasis in the field of reading is based upon students using a series of skills or strategies (e.g., CCSS-ELA) to build comprehension such as: – Some of the most popular skills emphasized in teacher guides to build comprehension include: Text features Vocabulary Authors craft Getting the gist Note-taking using postit notes Captions and headings
Reading Educators’ Approach to Reading Comprehension Also emphasized are the use of executive strategies Techniques for evaluating the text, the task, and reader characteristics Techniques for monitoring and regulating strategy use Examples: Before reading the text -- Is it fact or fiction? Is it easy or difficult? Examples: What’s the actual task ? What’s my purpose for reading? Do I need to remember what I read? Do I need to focus on the main points or the details? Examples: Readers’ characteristics Will I be able to remember what I read Do I know much about this topic? How interested am I in this topic? (Source: Carlisle, J. F. & Rice, M. S. (2002). Improving reading comprehension: Research-based practices and principles. Baltimore, MD: York Press. (p. 71)
Audience Activity Series of materials – Science IDEAS guidelines – CCSS-ELA standards – Sample 3 rd grade passage on liquids Challenge: Using this typical grade 3 page on liquids, form groups and discuss how you would guide and support the development of student reading comprehension proficiency? And building student understanding of liquids and their properties?