Systems Thinking: Patients Opinion Dr Paul Hodgkin #cciolip
And use it to talk about us…..
They can find each other …..
And get organised..…..
We have both surveillance and sous-veillance
Look at the wave not the boat…..
Some things people want when from using social media in relation to their health care? Information Solidarity They want a conversation not to be treated as data They want to help They want us to respond from the heart
Story Relevant staff ResponseComment 1 Service User Comment 2 Patient Organisations CQC and Monitor GP Consortia HealthWatch, H&W Boards National government, and MPs Automatic notification – PO only Comment from patient – PO only Service improvement
Organisations displayed here can include trusts, CCGs, HW and CQC Using transparency to drive cultural change
Number of people using a service IndifferentConcerned Passionate Lowstrength of feeling High Known/Complaints Thoughtfully passionate people (who it now costs little to identify) © Patient Opinion The ‘thoughtfully passionate’ are key to improving services
How to drive this further and faster Extension to adult social care – March 13 Channel 4: Embarrassing Bodies and One Born Every Minute ‘Friends and Family’
Thank You Paul Hodgkin
‘The fact that the story was public made the Trust much more attentive to what the patients were saying. In fact the whole thing was sorted out in about a week’ Manager from Nottinghamshire Health Care Trust
Trusts with the most stories on NHS Choices and Patient Opinion