Developing a Network of Student Led Discussion Groups Dora Meade Politics and International Studies
What is the SLED Network comprised of? Level One - Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Level Two – Theory and Thought (TAT) Level Three – Critical Theory Discussion Group and the Roundhouse E-Journal
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Runs alongside the compulsory theory module Freedom, Power and Democracy which takes place in the first semester. Its completed its successful second year boasting 17 sessions, 37 leaders and with over 300 first year students attending PASS sessions. Important Aspects of PASS sessions… Fulfils an important introductory role Stronger connection to their parent department for leaders and attendees Improves academic confidence and communication For the PASS leaders it provides a great chance to enhance their CV Covers difficult theoretical issues in a more relaxed and informal setting LEVEL ONE
Theory and Thought (TAT) Runs alongside 3 theory modules in the second year that throw up difficult and challenging theoretical issues Age of Ideology, Political Morality and Theories of Justice TAT sessions mirror those of PASS emphasis on facilitating a theoretical debate rather than teaching Adopts a more flexible approach taking in consideration students being in their second year, TAT sessions do not rigidly follow module outlines 3 Former PASS leaders were awarded C-SAP funding to pilot this scheme. Completely student led In the second semester of its pilot year LEVEL TWO
Critical Theory Discussion Group Since it was set up it has proved lively, dynamic and ambitious pursuing a range of activities including: Trips away Guest lectures from academics across the University Weekly film screening and discussion groups This group has brought students together from across year groups and from a range of departments Highly valued component of this module Allows students explore the wider areas that interest them around the discipline. LEVEL THREE
The Roundhouse Journal A student-led e-journal that is discursively edited, peer reviewed and developed students and graduates. Main directives are student inherited research and horizontal learning Aiming to spread communicative practices in higher education, create a more flexible style of learning and directly challenge the image of undergraduate students as ‘passive consumers’ Workshops Conference March 22 nd
Dissemination and Analysis Feedback Success Problems / Issues Why a Network? Developing a Student Led Discussion Network
“I think I gained a number of skills. The obvious ones of communicating with others and displaying a certain degree of authority are evident but there are others such as organising a seminar, which can take a lot of hard work, especially if it is a large group of 20 or more. All these look fantastic on your CV and of course there is the fact that you get your foot in the door with the department which is incredibly valuable in a year of over 100 and if you want a good reference.” “I enjoyed being able to work with other students in a much more personal manner than merely being another face around the seminar table. You’ll find that with PASS you become much more recognisable to fellow students. However the most fulfilling thing probably would have to be going over the basic political theory of my degree. Freedom, Power and Democracy is a module which underpins the basics of what you need to know about human nature and, liberalism, and is useful to most other, modules. Being able to re-revise this in such an in-depth way as PASS has been hugely beneficial.” Tom Dunn, PASS Leader
Ownership Empowers student, resists the massification of higher education, encourages responsibility and organisation Peer Assisted Study ‘Horizontal learning’, ability to discuss complex theoretical issues, ask questions and make mistakes, wider exploration of the discipline Reciprocal Feedback Fundamentally changes the relationship of the student to the staff member, speed of feedback, relationship to parent department, valuing the student
Structure and Support Striking a balance Communication New media potential Sustainability Student and Funding sustainability
Why a Network?
Developing a Network of Student Led Discussion Groups Dora Meade