Ocean Pollution
How oceans get polluted 1)Most of the pollution is from the land (runoff into rivers than the ocean) 2)Coastal areas are a problem. 3)Ships dumping wastes. 4)Oil spills & other types of accidents
Types of pollutants 1)Plastics – choking and tangling hazard
2) Oils & petroleum products – from boats, ships and runoff.
3) Trash – dumped or washing into the ocean
4) Chemicals & wastewater – fertilizers, pesticides, etc… from runoff
Preventing Ocean pollution 1)There are laws prohibiting ships from discharging wastes & dumping trash. 2) Many countries have signed treaties to prevent land activities that cause ocean pollution.
Problems with trying to prevent pollution. 1)Jurisdiction – who owns the ocean? 2) Enforcing laws in the ocean – large area to patrol.
Coastal control Countries do have control over areas from about 200 miles off their coasts. The Law of the Sea Treaty – an international treaty signed by many countries with restrictions. The US did not sign the treaty.
Ocean Planet: Threats Some ocean pollution facts.