Expectations for Construction Activities The City of Hendersonville Department of Public Works Erosion Control Inspection Review Process Power Point Presentation
Expectations for Construction Activities In March of 2003 the City of Hendersonville was required to obtain a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for it’s entire municipal storm sewer system discharges.
Expectations for Construction Activities To keep in compliance with this permit the City must enact pollution prevention measures to assure permit compliance. One of the main “pollutants” in the City is sediment.
Expectations for Construction Activities A series of Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are required for all construction activities within the City and it’s corresponding planning region. The City expects these (BMP’s) to be followed and all land disturbance activities to be self monitored to assure compliance.
Expectations for Construction Activities Periodically, Inspection Reviews (IR’s) will be conducted by Public Works Staff to assure that this self monitoring is being conducted and compliance with BMP’s are assured.
Expectations for Construction Activities Failure to comply with these requirements will result in temporary work stoppages, forfeiture of bonds, monetary fines or other enforcement tools.
Expectations for Construction Activities One of the main BMP’s is the Self Inspection (SI’s). These are essentially a check of all erosion control, sediment control, and drainage structures. Self Inspections (SI’s) must be conducted at least every 14 days and within 24 hours after rain events of 0.5” or more.
Expectations for Construction Activities There is a separate power point presentation titled “Using the Self Inspection Sheet” that should be viewed to better understand the expectations of the Self Inspection (SI) process.
Expectations for Construction Activities Before land disturbance activities occur you must first apply for a State Storm Water Discharge permit. The Notice of Coverage letter will need to be available on site and will be asked for at the first Erosion Control Inspection Review.
Expectations for Construction Activities You will also have to apply for a Grading Permit with the City before land disturbance activities are conducted. An initial Erosion Control Inspection Review must be conducted by the City before land disturbance activities begin. You must call the Public Works for this inspection at
Expectations for Construction Activities At the initial Erosion Control Inspection Review, the first column of the Self Inspection sheet needs to be already filled out and corresponding map references filled out on the master site map. See Corresponding Power point presentation on SI’s for more information
Expectations for Construction Activities After the initial Erosion Control Inspection Review is complete and any deficiencies addressed, ground can be broken. It is then up to the Erosion Control Specialist for the development to assure BMP are followed on the site and Self Inspections are being conducted.
Expectations for Construction Activities Inspection Reviews can be held at any time by the City. During the Inspection Reviews the Self Inspection sheet will be the cornerstone towards showing that all stormwater pollution issues are being identified and corrected in a timely manner.
Expectations for Construction Activities The main storm water pollution prevention focus for land disturbance activities is erosion and sediment control but other pollutions exist as well and need to be controlled. Examples are gasoline, diesel, hydraulic fluid, oil, fertilizers, acid wash agents, etc.
Expectations for Construction Activities If you are unsure what is the BMP for a particular activity or have any other questions contact Public