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Presentation transcript:

ENV 103 Final presentation Topic : water pollution in Dhaka city Section : 1 Name of the group members : Sakia Binte Azam ( 13126009 ) Bushra Binte Rashid ( 14104051 ) Rezwana Islam (16104189) Shahla Samim Shamma (11321054 )

Water pollution in Dhaka city

What is water pollution..?? Contamination of water (anthropogenic contamination) Natural pollution (disaster, acid rain) Artificial pollution (human created contamination)

Different Causes of Water Pollution Sewerage pollution: when untreated sewerage entering rivers or any kind of water. Petroleum pollution: occurs because of petroleum product like; oil ,gasoline Enters in water from ship, launch, factories, oil tankers.

Different Causes of Water Pollution Solid waste: it is illegally dumping of garbage, old tires, other solid waste into water. Solid waste features are that it is unsightly, slow to degrade or some time it is non degradable. Toxic chemical: industrial plants produce many harmful chemical substance like; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mercury, tributyltin (TBT) are dumped illegally in water.

Different Causes of Water Pollution Industrial factors: rapid and unplanned industrialization, brickfield development, Dying factories, tanneries, Grabbing up the river. Domestic factors: using detergents for washing, unhygienic open latrines, pesticides used in gardens can also pollute water.

Different Causes of Water Pollution Eutrophication: nutrients enrichment (such as phosphates and nitrate) of rivers and lakes due to wastewater effluent , untreated sewage, septic tank leachate . leads to increase of algae(algal bloom) Reduce dissolved oxygen Fish kills, water becomes poisonous, undrinkable and unusable

Effects of water pollution Effects on human health Effects on ecosystem Effects on other plants and animals Economical effects

Effects on Ecosystem: Damage to the reproductive system in the wildlife ecosystem.  Low levels of oxygen Kills the phytoplankton, fishes and fish eating birds

Effects on Animal Health: Fishes and the aquatic organisms are killed suffocation in fish and birds.  Also effects on plant causing different diseases Example: ozone diseases of potato leaves

Effects on Economy financial implications : financial implications High loss in fish depending business

solution Prevention of water pollution: ➡What we can do 1 Turn of running water 2 Be cautious of what you pour in the sink/ flash down t the oilet 3 Do not throw those thing in to the water which is harmful water 4 Fertilize correctly 5 Participate in a clean up 6 Spread awareness 7 Plant tree 8 use environmentally safe cleaning liquids ➡Governments, local councils and laws

Conclusion Every one of the city should be careful to prevent water pollution and make sustainable water for all

Thank you