i. Information ‘My Bronze Arts Award’ 3. Part 3: My Presentation Folder
i. Information Part 3: Presentation folder Task 3: For your third and final task, you need to decorate the front and back covers of a ring binder folder. Include your name and the title ‘ BRONZE ARTS AWARD’ somewhere on the front cover. There are examples of decorated folders on this and the next slide. Place tasks 1 and 2 inside your folder. This folder will also be used to hold class work and your music ILC which will be set in the Spring term. NAME BRONZE ARTS AWARD
i. Information Part 3: Presentation folder examples Examples of decorated Front and Back covers of a ring binder folder. BRONZE ARTS AWARD NAME HERE BRONZE ARTS AWARD NAME BRONZE ARTS AWARD NAME
i. Information Part 3: Presentation folder examples Examples of decorated Front and Back covers of a ring binder folder. NAME HERE BRONZE ARTS AWARD NAME BRONZE ARTS AWARD
Task 1: - Created a well presented Mind Map about the Arts Award. Task 2: - Chosen your Drama Hero or Heroine and completed all 12 tasks including printing out and filling in the self evaluation page. (Slide 13) Task 3: - Decorated a ring binder folder and placed your work from tasks 1 and 2 into it. CHECK LIST…. Before handing in your project, please check that you have completed the following: