We'll talk about an issue that is important and we must take into account because it is extremely important. Animal That is the issue of pollution and extinction, something that started to happen already killed many animals.
Recently there was a problem that are destroying marine life. And global warming has begun to melt the poles and many terrestrial and marine animals have died from this.
At present, the oceans of the world are highly contaminated. The waste produced by the industrial activity during last decades has been spilt irrationally and over-excited in the sea, taking the levels of pollution beyond any estimated calculation. The marine mammals are most affected by these pollutants due to his aptitude to store them in the corporal fat along his life, using these reservations contaminated during long fastings, pregnancy or lactation.
Human progress generates lots of waste, pollution and impact on the environment. Climate change caused by greenhouse gases the earth's temperature varies, which endangers the lives of entire ecosystems highly dependent on the environment.
Waste hinder and even prevent animal life. The proliferation of plastic causes many deaths of marine animals and other species The whole logging prevents large numbers of animals can continue to live in nature, extinguishing thousands of species.