Welcome to Back To School Night MESA Elective Course
General Information Mrs. Mascorro Mrs. Mascorro Room G107 Room G107 (209) Ext 4277 (209) Ext 4277 (Best Way to contact!) (Best Way to contact!) ass/348-MESA Course Website ass/348-MESA Course Website ass/348-MESA ass/348-MESA
Goals: Maintain a 3.5 gpa or better. Maintain a 3.5 gpa or better. Earn an A or a B in the Core Classes: English, Math, Science and History. Earn an A or a B in the Core Classes: English, Math, Science and History. Maintain 95% attendance or better (You may only be absent 1 day for every 20 days). Maintain 95% attendance or better (You may only be absent 1 day for every 20 days). Participate in the four Fresno State University Saturday Academies. Participate in the four Fresno State University Saturday Academies. Participate in at least one Project to enter the Mini MESA Day Competition. Participate in at least one Project to enter the Mini MESA Day Competition. Attend one college fieldtrip. Attend one college fieldtrip. Follow all school rules. Follow all school rules. Complete 5 hours of community service per trimester. Complete 5 hours of community service per trimester. All 8 th graders take the Explore Test on Saturday December 13. All 8 th graders take the Explore Test on Saturday December 13.
Highly Recommended Materials 2 pencils 2 pencils Dry Erase Marker Dry Erase Marker 5 dividers 5 dividers a ruler a ruler lined paper lined paper 1 highlighter 1 highlighter Red pens Red pens a composition notebook a composition notebook 3x5 cards 3x5 cards erasers erasers pencil sharpener pencil sharpener a pocket folder a pocket folder A 2 or 3 inch three- ring binder A 2 or 3 inch three- ring binder a scientific calculator a scientific calculator A USB A USB backpack backpack
Grade Scale: 90% to 100%= A 90% to 100%= A 80%to89%=B 80%to89%=B 70%to79%=C 70%to79%=C 60%to69%=D 60%to69%=D 0%to59%=F 0%to59%=F
Grading System Saturday Academies 15% Saturday Academies 15% Math Tutorials20% Math Tutorials20% Class projects40% Class projects40% Registrations/Enrichments25% Registrations/Enrichments25%
Attendance and Participation Attendance and participation is a must for this class. Students should come to school ready to learn every day. Participation refers to being actively engaged in the lessons. Students must follow classroom procedures and do the required work for each period every day. Attendance and participation is a must for this class. Students should come to school ready to learn every day. Participation refers to being actively engaged in the lessons. Students must follow classroom procedures and do the required work for each period every day.
Class work: On Mondays thru Wednesdays, students will be working on the MESA projects. Every Thursday, we will have Math tutorials. On Fridays, we will have enrichments, guest speakers, and other activities. If you are absent, you will not be able to make up the work. This is why attendance is very important. On Mondays thru Wednesdays, students will be working on the MESA projects. Every Thursday, we will have Math tutorials. On Fridays, we will have enrichments, guest speakers, and other activities. If you are absent, you will not be able to make up the work. This is why attendance is very important.
Projects: The students must select one project to do during each trimester. The students must select one project to do during each trimester. The projects are The projects are Bridge Bridge EggXpress EggXpress Lego Robotics Lego Robotics Speak Up Speak Up Mousetrap Car Mousetrap Car Model Science – GI Track Model Science – GI Track Alice: The Game Design Challenge Alice: The Game Design Challenge Prosthetic Arm Prosthetic Arm Balsawood Glider Balsawood Glider Ecybermission Ecybermission Stock Market Challenge Stock Market Challenge National Science Bowl National Science Bowl
Composition Notebook Notes Notes Research Research Project Rules Project Rules Collected every 2-4 weeks! Collected every 2-4 weeks!
Saturday Academies Dates Departure 6AM from LFE Departure 6AM from LFE Lunch provided by CSU, Fresno MESA Center Lunch provided by CSU, Fresno MESA Center Return between 5 – 6AM Return between 5 – 6AM Transportation provided from LFE To Fresno Transportation provided from LFE To Fresno Saturdays, 10/18, 11/15, 12/6, 2/21 Saturdays, 10/18, 11/15, 12/6, 2/21
Class Rules 1) Respect everything and everyone. 2) Enter the classroom quietly with all necessary materials and be seated before the tardy bell rings. 3) Be on task during class. 4) Follow all school rules.
Consequences Misbehavior consequences: (All offenses and consequences will be formally documented in ABI) First Offense: Verbal warning/conference with student – Teleparent Contact or possible phone contact with parents. Second Offense: 10 minute detention– Call home to parents. Third Offense: 30 minutes of detention (to be served before school, break, lunch or after school) - Call home to parents. Fourth Offense: 1 hour of detention (to be served before school, break, lunch or after school) - Call home to parent. Parent conference will be scheduled through the front office. Fifth Offense: Referral to Grade Level Learning Director - Call home to parents. Parent conference will be scheduled through the LD. All offenses after the 5th offense result in a referral and parent contact, actual discipline to be issued by Learning Director or other Administrator. Behaviors deemed extreme can/will result in an automatic office referral. No Shows for Detention: Student will be given one opportunity to make-up a missed detention, the next “no show” will result in a referral to the office.
Tutoring Library Tutoring Center (Monday – Thursday from 3:15 to 4:15) Library Tutoring Center (Monday – Thursday from 3:15 to 4:15) LEAP Program LEAP Program All teachers from 8 to 8:30 and 3:10 to 3:30 All teachers from 8 to 8:30 and 3:10 to 3:30 Lunch Tutoring Mondays and Thursdays G107 Lunch Tutoring Mondays and Thursdays G107