Welcome to the NHS Curriculum Night Mrs. Krejci Honors Biology College Prep Biology ga.us ga.us
Who am I? My name is Chrissy Krejci B.S. Dietetics, University of Georgia Masters in teaching from Georgia State University 6 th year of teaching in Gwinnett county 2 nd year of teaching at Norcross I have a 7 month old little girl
What will my child learn this year? Nature of Science- Equipment, safety, graphs, scientific method, etc. (Throughout the year) Ecology- Relationships between organisms, the flow of energy, biomes, human impact on them, etc. (1 st semester for 9 weeks) Cells- Structure and function of cell organelles, life processes, cell transport, etc. (2 nd 9 weeks of 1 st semester) Genetics- DNA, RNA, mitosis, meiosis, traits, etc. (2 nd semester for 9 weeks) Evolution- Theory of evolution, natural selection, fossil evidence, etc. (2 nd semester for 3 weeks) Classification System- Unicellular and multicellular organisms, six-kingdom classification system, viruses, etc. (2 nd semester for 5 weeks)
How will you assess what my child has learned? Unit essential questions Quizzes Special projects Labs Unit tests & end of course test Daily class work and homework Participation in class lecture/discussion Collaborative group activities
How will my child’s grade be calculated? Tests/Projects—40% Labs- 20% Quizzes- 15 % Final- 15% Class work/Homework—5% Performance Final- 5%
How can I keep track of my child’s progress? Sign up for Gwinnett Parent Portal Electronic progress reports ed on or around the 1 st and 15 th of each month Convey concerns via or by phone Schedule a parent/teacher conference
Need-to-know Class Policies Students must have an organized 3-ring binder, pencil, and pen in class EVERYDAY! The student is responsible for making up work missed due to absence whether excused or unexcused by checking class make-up folder & discussing with the teacher. Please see new NHS & LA make-up policy hand-out for further details. Help is ALWAYS available if you ask for it! Tutoring hours are posted by the door
YES, I TAKE DONATIONS! The following items are always appreciated: Hand sanitizer Facial tissues (Kleenex) Glue Sticks
Thank you for coming tonight! Feel free to contact me anytime (770)