NORTHUMBRIA POLICE Response to Flooding Contingency Section Operations Department
Central coordination triggered by: Met Office warnings Environment Agency warnings Information from 24/7 patrols Calls from public / other agencies Threat to community Potential for evacuation or mobilisation In accordance with the Northumbria Police Flooding and Severe Weather Trigger Plan Activation
Central Coordination As deemed necessary levels of central coordination will be put in place as follows: Gold (Strategic) o Chief Executive / Chief Officer level o Responsible for determining the overall policy and strategy for the incident Silver (Tactical) o Incident Officers o Responsible for making tactical decisions regarding actions at the scene Bronze (Operational) o Bronze Commanders o Responsible for implementing tactics at the scene
Northumbria Police Flooding Command Structure
Multi-agency Coordination A key responsibility of the Police Service in an incident is to coordinate the multi-agency response as follows: Strategic Coordinating Group (SCG) Gold level multi-agency meeting, normally chaired by the police. Sets strategy, agrees communications response. Multi-agency Silver Command Command room set up including representatives from the agencies involved in the incident. (Bronze Area Command will attend in a forcewide incident.) Forward Control Point (FCP) / Bronze Command Location near the incident site where multi agency functional bronze commanders will liaise to co-ordinate the response at the scene.
24/7 Officers and Neighbourhood Teams Assist with evacuation Presence at rest centres Traffic management Marine Unit Trained in swift water rescue Suitably kitted to enter water North East Air Support Unit (NEASU) Assist in search Provide video downlink to Gold Command Area Support Group (ASG) As 24/7 Search Trained Resources
Emergency Preparedness Local Resilience Forum (LRF) and sub groups including: –Flood group –Training and exercising group Contingency Section Area Command Planning Officers Force plans –Write –Review –Train –Exercise LRF Plan