Biological Diversity 1 "Biological diversity" means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. Definition from Convention on Biological Diversity
Biological Diversity 2 “Country of origin of genetic resources" means the country which possesses those genetic resources in in-situ conditions. "Domesticated or cultivated species" means species in which the evolutionary process has been influenced by humans to meet their needs. Definition from Convention on Biological Diversity
Corn (Maize) originated in Mexico 4 Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Domestication of Zea mays ssp. parviglumis, native to the Balsas River valley in south-eastern Mexico
Banana/Plantain (Musa) 5 Center of origin of the wild banana stretches from India to Papua New Guinea including Malaysia and Indonesia International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Nigeria tures/Pages/PanamaDiseasePart1.aspx tures/Pages/PanamaDiseasePart2.aspx History of banana production in Latin America and why bananas are under threat:
Rice originated between Himalayas and Indochina 6 International Rice Research Institute Philippines Oryza sativa or Asian rice is the most commonly grown and eaten rice. It contains two groups of rice: indica and japonica Oryza glaberrima or African rice originated in West Africa, but is not widely cultivated. It has been used as gene source. Twenty-three wild species of rice that are found in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas.
7 Watermelon originated in southern Africa Spanish settlers were growing watermelons in Florida in Minimal breeding until 1954 by USDA in SC. Dr. Crall, UF/IFAS, developed “Jubilee” variety in Seedless watermelons are sterile hybrids that develop fruits, but no seeds. The seeds for growing them are produced by crossing a normal watermelon with one that has been changed genetically by treatment with a chemical called colchicine. The seeds from this cross will produce plants that, when pollinated with pollen from normal plants, produce seedless melons.
Potatoes originated in Peru 8
Blue Potato Chips Really Do Come From Blue Potaoes! 9 Use Food to Teach about Biological Diversity