Flash Powered Match Centres
Mac & PC Desktop Match Centres for a range of Different Sports
Widgets & Gadgets are available on the Web, on Desktops (Mac & PC) and on Mobile Devices They enable our Clients’ Brands to reach more Consumers They can be tailored for Individual Sports, Particular Competitions and on a Client by Client Basis – providing Unique Experiences every time
We offer a wide range of Different Widgets from News Feeds to Desktop Match Centres and one-off fun Widgets like the World Cup Countdown Widgets are designed to drive traffic to our Clients’ websites Widgets also enable Clients to collect valuable Marketing Metrics on end-users
Widgets are attractive additions to any desktop, web-page or mobile device.
Our solutions allow end-users to share, , and blog or personalise as much as they like, promoting our clients’ sites and attracting new visitors for free.
Fully enabled to offer the best of modern standards and to exploit fast connections the widgets include video and audio features.
Yahoo and Google based Widgets Mac OS Desktop Widgets Windows Vista Sidebar Gadgets Mobile OS Widgets (where available and appropriate) Internet based Widgets for a range of different browsers and operating systems including Mac, Windows and Linux