What can I do with big video? Bob Riddle Bob Riddle
DVTS Update software - WIDE DVTS updates, new features, new platforms Coming attractions - HD, SSM, and … Mac-mini DVTS “appliance” DVGuide, DVTuner, IPV6 multicast Demo Stereoscopic DVTS - 10:30 High-End Video hardware - Fujitsu Comet PCI cards - for your Intel box Comet PMC box DVTS support provided HDV test between Ann Arbor & Japan
Mac-mini DVTS Appliane is a $500 DVTS appliance possible? Mac-mini - limit to a single firewire port No muss, no fuss No monitor, keyboard, mouse required Configure, plug it in, then phone-home Web browser used for control example
Mac-mini Web page
A DVTS “Appliance” for normal people Affordable Recognizable user interface Ready for prime time Internet2 test channel is evidence May require breakout box, echo cancellation equipment … the same MPEG2 boxes, etc.
A “good” fit between H HDTV 30 mbps bandwidth required IPv4, IPv6, multicast supported Source code provided - so additional functionality easy “available” Encrypted sessions, etc. Desktop clients available … mostly
What can I do with it? Remote education (music, museum) Video collaboration (AG, NWS) UPenn session this afternoon Graduation (St. Louis) Etc.
Questions? Bob Riddle