CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED NGO G19,979 Presentation on the work of CPYWD Ghana (Northern Ghana) at UPF Conference September 2010 By Mr. Yakubu Iddrisu (Jacob) Executive Director, CPYWD
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Structure of the Presentation Presentation Structure Introduction and purpose Situation in Ghana Approach & Projects AnalysePartnership Questions & answers
Introduction. Preffession: Teacher by and a social worker Experience: Teaching in Ghanaian schools Social and Community Development Founder and Director of CPYWD ( Ccommunity Partnership Ghana
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED NGO G19,979 Purpose of Presentation To: Give brief information about Ghana and the situation Show case CPYWD in Ghana’s Child growth and development Allow some time for questions and discussions
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Ghana at a glance
Market and Economy CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED NGO G19,979 Marketing Open market Price negotiations Customer relations Economy Slow economic growth Averagely %
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED NGO G19,979 Family system Nuclea r Extended Community: Multi Ethnic/Cultural, Clans and lineages Large and Extended Marriage is being an obligation and a union of lineage/families
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 but System of education-Participation Teacher-centered Less child participatory and not practical enough but theoretical. Overcrowding of classrooms Less attention for individuals, Less creative and less participation
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Women and children? Hunger and ilness Poverty Ignorancy Kayayoo girls Limited opportunities for quality and access to education for girls Limited capacity to realize their full potential
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED NGO G19,979 African challenges Wrong placement-context and Target unfavorable weather/climate/political conditions increasing life taking diseases high levels of illiteracy corrupt governmental organizations Weak personalities and characters increased poverty Social and economic Investment/Aid
The way forward-Ghana New approaches education(Young people and women) Investing into the process, structure and learning outcomes Appropriate economic and social empowerment interventions-Grants and Aid??? Good governance by popular participation CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED NGO G19,979
Need of Africa (Ghana in focus) CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19, Democracy and rule of Law 2. Medium income levels Sustainable economic growth 3. Increased foreign investment Better Ghana/ Africa Agenda
What, Who, How, and Where next ? CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979
How-Development cooperation With hearts, Feet and Hands together we achieve more CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979
Development Aid-What works Partner presences projects Community Based Aid Evidence- base focus Aid Relief Aid Trade Aid Volunteer service Aid CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979
Development Aid?-What does not work Huge grants to Governments/Institutions Colonial donor-centered grants CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979
Need-Ghana? CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19, Individual2. Families 3. communities Building a better Ghana peaceful and just communities; where all people have : access to the resources the opportunity to achieve their potential, the right to make decisions And Right to actively participate
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 CPYWD Formation and Approaches Ghananian NGO since 2007 Aim to: 1.support youth and women in Northern-Ghana to be Self- supportive 2.stimulate the responsibilities and initiatives of the local communities 3.Facilitate peaceful one family /community
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Our Focus Youth(13-25) Children 5-12 Women
Model structure CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Community Transformation Youth development education Character education After school programmes Women social and economic empowerment Home management training Beekeeping and Honey production
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 CPYWD-Strategy 1. Build partnership 2. Provide information / resources 3. Influence skills, attitude & desire 4. Improved performance
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Activities: After school programs Learning through play and interaction PAC-man Approach (Positivism, Activity & Creativity) Children develop skills and get more confidence and a positive self-esteem
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Innovation and intention-Education Discovery Center and Model School Provide resource for teacher and facilitator training development Make learning more practical and experiantial Mainstream/ Introduce Character Education
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Economic Empowerment -Beekeeping Phase 1 ( ) Trained and supported 150 women and youngsters in modern beekeeping and honey production
Results of programmes CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Youth education and social programme Increased in self- expression Increased access to play and instruction materials Women economic empowerment Access to income generating tools and equipment Increase participation in decision making Providing information, Influencing attitudes and skills increasing performance
CPYWD 2007 REGISTERED G19,979 Thank you very much Contacts: Yakubu Iddrisu, , Maartje Bos, , Project links: