Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food Security (ARDFS) Regional Cooperation & Knowledge Products Presentation by Jiangfeng Zhang, RSDD-AR ADB-IFAD Retreat, 5 December 2012
ADB’s ARDFS Regional Cooperation focuses on innovations in technologies and management practices as well as knowledge products and services on policy and institutional measures that expand productivity inclusively through efficient resource use and access; improve the connectivity of food and agri- based value chains locally, nationally, regionally, and globally; enhance the resilience of value chains to economic and natural shocks.
Ongoing Key Regional Cooperation Activities
Examples of Knowledge Products Various working papers on rice in Asia: global and ASEAN outlook, resilience to extreme price volatility, emergency rice reserve, commodities exchange, ASEAN rice futures, & role of rice in Asia’s food security
Examples of Knowledge Products Food For All: Investing in Food Security in Asia and the Pacific—Issues, Innovations, and Practices Integrated Crop and Resource Management in the Rice-Wheat System of South Asia Building Climate Resilience in the Agriculture Sector in Asia and the Pacific Guidelines for Climate Proofing Investment in Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food Security (2012)
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