Emergency Support Function 10 Oil and Hazardous Materials Response ESF10 Job Aid RRTIX Standing Meeting November 2012
ESF #10 provides for a coordinated Federal response to actual or potential oil and hazardous materials incidents.
“One size does not fit all” ESF10 is very region specific with wide variations – Different types of disasters – Geographically differences – States dictate variation in response (e.g., rich/poor; east/west; big/small, etc). – Policy and Cultural differences between EPA-CG- FEMA
However, There is Some Common Ground Nationally CG-EPA coordination ESF10 Training (How To’s) Qualification standards (suggestions) FEMA HQ, EPA HQ, CG Command Policies/Instructions (e. g., NRF – NCP) What can and cannot be funded – NPFC – CERCLA – FEMA Disaster Fund
ESF10 Job Aid Our mission was to create an ESF 10 Job Aid for use nationally, both by and for the CG and EPA, which will guide ESF 10 representatives at the regional RRCCs, IOFs and JFOs Ad hoc group EPA and CG Stakeholders from across the nation HQ & ESF10 national workgroup ESF10 Job Aid completed on August 15, 2012.
Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgementii Revision Historyiv Table of Contentsvi Handling Instructionsvii Section 1: Overview1 Mission Assignment/Action Request Form Process1 Major Roles for the ESF #10 Watchstander2 Section 2: Instructions3 ESF #10 Pre-Declaration Response Checklist4 ESF #10 Activation Procedures Post Declaration5 ESF #10 Inland Area Pre-Declaration Checklist6 ESF #10 Inland Area Activation Checklist Post Declaration6 Coordination between EPA and Coast Guard: ESF #10 Shift Change Checklist7 Coordination with Other Entities9 Unit Log and Daily Documentation15 Handling Mission Assignments16 ESF #10 Shift Change and Deactivation Instructions/Checklist19 RRCC/JFO Lesson Learned Capture20 Additional Job Aid Information21 Notes22
EPA-CG checklist
AppendixOverviewPage A – Functional Position Job Description Provides a functional job description for the EPA/USCG ESF #10 Watchstander at the FEMA RRCC, IOF or JFO when the National Response Framework (NRF) is activated A-1 B – Contact Information Includes telephone numbers that may be helpful to have accessible at the ESF #10 Watchstander desk during a response. B-1 C – Statues, Regulations, Plans, Policy and Guidance Provides high level overviews and links of statures, regulations, plans, policy and guidance that may be useful background information for the ESF #10 Watchstander. C-1 D – Other Instructions Includes information on other instructions and forms for Incident Command System, Assistance Request Forms, Pre-scripted Mission Assignments, and Situation Reports. D-1 E – List of Acronyms Lists acronyms, abbreviations and terms regarding ESF #10 operations and procedures. E-1 F – Terms and Definitions Provides an extensive listing of terms and definitions that would be helpful for the ESF #10 Watchstander. F-1 G – EPA and USCG ESF #10 Resource Capabilities Summarizes each ESF #10 agency’s own resource capabilities that can be utilized to resolve issues at the Incident/Unified Command Level. G-1 H – Training Requirements and Recommendations Lists two tables that define the training qualifications desired for Coast Guard and EPA members that would fulfill the ESF #10 Watchstander role. H-1 Additional Job Aid Information This job aid is associated with a number of additional documents that may be helpful to the ESF #10 Watchstander for training purposes. Due to the volume of additional information, this information has been captured as a separate appendices document that can be found at This document includes the following information:
Web Location
NRT Submitted to the NRT – August 24, 2012 – For NRT consideration (review/approval) – create a new subcommittee or tasker under the Response Committee to be responsible for the “care and feeding” of the Job Aid