Title I and Title II Funds Private School Expenditures
Private School Equitable Services Allocations Title ITitle II Funding is on a per-pupil amount based on the number of low-income private school children who reside in a Title I receiving public school attendance area. Funding is based on the enrollment of the entire private school building.* *(1) assess, address, and evaluate the needs and progress of both groups of teachers (public and private) in the same manner; (2) provide approximately the same amount of training and, where appropriate, instruction to teachers with similar needs; (3) spend an equal amount of funds per student to serve public and private school teachers; and (4) provide private school teachers with an opportunity to participate in Title II, Part A program activities equivalent to the opportunity provided public school teachers.
Private School Equitable Participation Side by Side Comparison Title ITitle II Title I expenses are similar and allowable in private schools as they would be for students and staff in a targeted assistance Title I public school. Private school teachers, principals, and other educational personnel are eligible to participate to the extent that the LEA uses funds to provide for professional development for teachers and other school personnel.
Private School Equitable Services Allowable Costs Title I Instruction, Professional Development, and Parent Involvement Title II Professional Development Only Program funds are only applied to the students who are targeted for Title I services, their parents, and to the teachers who teach Title I students. Funding is applied to the entire building and not to specific populations. Personnel Purchased servicesPurchased services for training all private school teachers/staff Non-capital objects Capital objects
More Information DPI ESEA Title II Part A DPI Title II Part A Information Bulletin on Private Schools DPI Contact: Abdallah Bendada Title II Manager Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster St., Madison, WI Phone: (608) Fax: (608)