GDB Meeting CERN 09/11/05 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST A new LCG VO for GEANT4 Patricia Méndez Lorenzo CERN/IT-PSS EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Outlook ≈ The Geant4 Toolkit ≈ Geant4 Physics tests in LCG2 ≈ Frameworks development for Geant4 ≈ Geant4 at CERN (LCG) ≈ Conclusions
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Toolkit Generic Toolkit for Monte Carlo simulation of particle interactions with the matter (i.e. detectors) ◘ Application domains: ➙ High-Energy Physics: ATLAS, CMS and LHCb (LHC), BaBar (SLAC), etc ➙ Space Radiation: ESA ➙ Medical Physics: Proton and brachy therapies, etc ◘ Object-Oriented (C++) project, modular and extensible. Significant improved with respect its predecessor, Geant3, not only from the software structure, but mainly for the physics coverage ◘ Electromagnetic physics of Geant4 and even more Hadronic physics are complex fields. It is fundamental to test their models covering the widest possible range of particles, materials and energies Here appears the Grid Contribution
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Toolkit and the Grid Environment ◘ Electromagnetic and Hadronic physics are fundamental features to be properly simulated in High-Energy Physics and medical applications. However they are extremely CPU demanding ▪ Number of events and energy depending: 1 event of 1GeV ~ 0.03 sec (2.4 GHz) 1 event of 300 Gev ~ 9-10 sec Geant4 wants to use the LCG environment to validate the software they provide to their users twice per year ● Two large productions per year ◘ Goal during the software validation: Comparison some shower observables between the two different Geant4 versions and check statistical significant changes ● Small productions (some few thousands of jobs) during the whole year
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Toolkit and the Grid Environment ◘ Applications in LCG ▪ First production in December 2004 ▪ Second production in May 2005 ▪ Third production in December 2005: Previous tests now ◘ Some generalities ▪ In each production a total amount of about 3 years CPU time is needed ▪ Very small output for the whole production: 15-20GB in total ▪ For the testing phase of the 3 rd production the LCG infrastructure has been provided for Geant4 at CERN ➸ Access to UI (lxplus) ➸ VO = Geant4 ➸ RBs (gdrb01 and gdrb03) ➸ CE (dedicated queue in lxgate13) ➸ SE (lxn1183 and lxn1180) ➸ Software area: 2GB ➸ Access to the LFC catalog server ( Most of the services are centralized at CERN
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Toolkit and the Grid Environment ◘ Geant4 validates its software through a wide range of different parameters: ▪ 7 simplified detectors ➸ FeSci, CuSci, PbSci, CuLAr, PbLAr, WLAr, PbW04 ▪ 7 different particles (8 in the 2 nd production) ➸ e-(2 nd production), pi+, pi-, k+, k-, k0L, p, n ▪ 23 different beam particles (GeV) ➸ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300, 1000 (never achieved) ▪ 5 physics list ➸ LHEP, QGSP, QGSC, QGSP_BIC, QGSP_BERT
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Toolkit and the LCG Environment ◘ Strategy: ▪ First Production ➸ During the event production phase, 5635 jobs had to be run for each Geant4 version: jobs in total ➸ Finally the statistical test suite was used to compare parallel Geant4 outputs from each version (this part already outside the LCG resources) ▪ Second Production ➸ During this phase 6440 jobs had to be run ➸ This time each job contained the event production for each Geant4 version and the statistical test suite ➸ In just one job the whole production and analysis was done ▪ Third Production ➸ Same strategy as in the 2 nd production
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Production in LCG ◘ Stages: 1. Software installation: Installation of the Geant4 packages (with all the required external additional packages: PI, AIDA, etc) ➸ Software provided via a tar file (around 200MB) ➸ Installation through jobs using specific LCG tools ➸ Fundamental request for the sites: Shared area between WNs and perfectly definition of the software installation region 2. Events production: ➸ Jobs sent in bunches of 1227 ( nd production) defined by each physics list ➸ 5000 events were produce per job 3. Analysis: ➸ Statistical tests to perform the comparison between the two Geant4 versions
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Geant4 Production in LCG ◘ General Characteristics ▪ VO ➸ 1 st Production: dteam (6 certificates, one as dteamsgm) ➸ 2 nd Production: alice (2 certificates, one as alicesgm) ▪ Resources ➸ 1 st Production: Own RB+BDII+UI at CERN ➸ 2 nd Production: lxplus resources and 2 RBs ▪ Outputs ➸ 1 st Production: about 30 GB stored at CERN (lxn1183) ➸ 2 nd Production: comparable quantity stored at CERN (lxn1180) AFS Geant4 area at CERN
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Framework Development for Geant4 Generation of a general framework consisting of 3 major tools: ◘ Tool for general and automatic job submission ◘ Tool for events generation in all those sites where the software has been installed ◘ Tool for data analysis ◘ First Part: Tool for job submissionMethodology ➸ Copy and registry of the Geant4 package - A file containing the TURL is created and is passed to the WN ➸ Follow up of candidates able to admit Geant4 jobs ➸ Selection of long queues only ➸ Automatic built of the.jdl files for each long queue - Built taking as base those proposed by the user joining the name of the queue where to submit the job - Software Installation tools are used to perform the installation ➸ Submission of these files to each queue
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Framework Development for Geant4 Performance ➸ First step: - The tar file is copied from the SE at CERN to the WN - It is untar and copied to the VO_DTEAM(ALICE)_SW_DIR area (1GB) ➸ Second Step: Software Installation tool - A small production (small number of events) is performed, together with some statistical tests - If succeeded a tag is published in the Information SystemResults ➸ Installation was tried in 63 sites - 1 st Production: 28 sites - 2 nd Production: 35 sites ➸ Main Problems: - Sites with submission problems (not required compiler) - VO_DTEAM(ALICE)_SW_DIR area problems
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Framework Development for Geant4 ◘ Second Step: Tool for the ProductionStrategy: ➸ Only long queues will be used to run the production ➸ All outputs (hbook files) will be stored at CERNMethodology: ➸ Geant4 provides their own code to perform the events production ➸ Python Script for each type of particle, energy, physics list and calorimeter is created by the framework from one template provided by Geant4 ➸ Generation of one jdl per job containing the code provided by Geant4 (the same for all jobs) + that script generated by the framework and changing for each job ➸ Submission of all jdl files to all sites containing the Geant4 installation
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Framework Development for Geant4 Results: ➸ A hbook file containing 5000 event is created in the case the production succeeded ➸ The name of the file is created by the framework containing the type of particles, the energy, the physics list and the calorimeter within the name (important to perform later the comparison) ➸ The hbook file is copied and registered to a disk at CERN ➸ During the 2 nd production a tar file containing different files should have been created in the case the job succeeded. This file was retrieved to the afs area delivered for this aim and copied and registered to the Grid ● Around 4508 jobs (two physics list for both Geant4 versions) were run in lest than 2 weeks in 28 sites with a efficiency of about 87% during the 1 st production ● The 2 nd production results show similar efficiency results
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Update of the Framework ➸ This framework covered the Geant4 requirements for its first production ➸ It’s not useful for larger production - Difficult to deal with the output and visualize the results ◘ A new complete tool has been developed for large production - Flexible enough to be used for any VO and any user application - Most of the improvements mostly relative to the outputs handle Documentation: “LCG2 User Guide” bin/index.cgi?var=eis/docs Download:
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Update of the Framework The new framework consists mainly of two tools: ➸ Tool to perform the automatic job submission ➸ Tool to retrieve and handle the corresponding output 1. Automatic job submissionOverview: Given an user’s jdl this tool performs the following actions: ➸ It lists all sites able to run the jdl provided by the user ➸ It creates automatically a jdl file based on that provided by the user ➸ It submits the just created jdl containing the user application(s) ➸ Moreover it creates a subdirectory (defined by the user) containing a list of the sites where the jobs have been submitted, the corresponding jdls and the jobs IDs
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Update of the Framework Additional Features: ➸ The user can define the queues where the jobs are submitted. These queues are checked to see whether it fixes the job requirements. ➸ Requested LFN files can be included. The corresponding TURLs are searched and included in a file passed in the InputSandbox to the WN 2. Retrieve and handle of the outputs ➸ The 2 nd tool checks the status of the jobs from the job IDs included in the directory given by the user ➸ It provides the following output: The job run in is in status: Scheduled The job run in is in status: running The job run in is in status: over The user is queried to retrieve the output to the destination he has previously decided
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Update of the Framework Additional Features: ➸ It is possible to visualize the outputs on the web ➸ A html report is provided showing the files decided by the user
GDB Meeting. CERN 09/10/ Summary and Requirements ➸ Geant4 is a basic tool for many applications − Several HEP and Grid communities use it as the simulation toolkit ➸ Due to the wide range of energies, particles, calorimeters, etc, they have to check during the software validation, a GRID environment can assist them ➸ Two productions already performed with very good results ➸ It is an easy code and the production is fully followed by the support team (we do the production with them) ➸ It can help to understand our own system − Its software is fully tested by almost 10 years ➸ It is easy, we centralized many services at CERN Next production will include the GANGA framework for submissions We ask you: ● Admit Geant4 as a new VO ● Computational resources: access to CE and local WNs ● Software area of 2GB and shared between WNs