Funding for Education: Reality or Science Fiction ? Simon Brewer Education Development Manager East Midlands SHA
Existing Funding Streams NHS Education Levy is called the Multiprofessional Education levy (MPET) £4.5 Billion Approx Non Medical Education & Training (NMET) (40%) Medical and Dental Education Levy (MADEL) (40%) Service Increment for Training (SIFT) (20%)
MADEL & SIFT 1. MADEL: Paid to Trusts and PCT’s for post graduate medical and dental training. SHO’s,SpR’s etc Also used to fund Post graduate deaneries 2. SIFT Paid to trust to fund undergraduate training for Medical Staff,
NHS Funding Streams NHS Budget Regional / National Services E.g. NBTS & HPA Acute Hospitals Baseline Primary Care Trust Baseline Strategic Health Authorities Operational Budget MPET MADELSIFTNMET Service ProvisionWorkforce Provision Community / GP Practices Specialist Services
NMET Allocation Allocated in May of each financial year. (Although in last 2 years not allocated until Sept / October) Historically the Workforce Development Confedrerations managaed MNET – now passed to SHA directly. Several SHAs do not or do not fully fund HCS trainees This will vary in different regions in the country
NMET Funded Trainee Provision NMET Commissioned HCS programmes BSc Audiology BSc Biomedical Science NMET Funded Salary Schemes Clinical Scientists Medical Physics, Biochemistry, Cyto & Molecular Genetics, Immunology, Audiology, Microbiology, Embryology, Histocompatability. Clinical Physiologists / Technologists Cardiac Physiologist. Respiratory, Neurophysiology, Medical Physics, Clinical Engineers
NMET Issues Very Limited HCS inclusion Each SHA has a different approach HCS Funding is adhoc and has to be negotiated yearly, directly with SHA
How to access NMET funds Engagement with other HCS groups at local level. (HCS Networks) Engagement within Organisation with executive team. Link to Local Health Communities (Devolved function of Workforce Development)
Tips for accessing NMET funds Know what you need. Link the risks of not securing funding to future workforce to service provision Know who you need to influence within organisation Know the local process. ie Direct to SHA or through LHC Find out who is currently overseeing HCS salary support /programmes relating to HCS within your SHA. Share experiences of accessing funds through professional networks.
Summary Funding does exists Need to know where Need to know who Need to know how Will have to compete for funding Need to be prepared Need to influence No one better placed to do this role than you
Science Fiction ? Accessing funding can be science fact not fiction. For further advice information contact