Scotch Brite Brand vs. Lysol Brand vs. Clorox Brand By Sarah Ung Block 2 Due 11/17/11
The products are Lysol, Scotch Brite, and Clorox. All three products kills 99.9% of germs and kills Cold and Flu Viruses. Scotch Brite is made from botanically pure plant extract. Lysol removes more than 95% of allergens. If I use Scotch Brite disinfecting wipes then the people will think the surface will be cleaner. Page 2
The independent variable are the brands that look best. The dependent variable are the people’s opinions. o Materials: Lysol, Clorox, and Scotch Brite disinfecting wipes, 3 CLEAN, identical surfaces, some sort of messy substance (Ex. Makeup, oil, dirt, ect.), paper, and pencil. There are 3 levels of IV are the Lysol, Clorox, and Scotch Brite disinfecting wipes. The testers observing the surfaces are 3 of friends. The mirrors will be switched places 3 times and the observers will choose which is best 3 times. The experiment will be set up by having the product’s name being hidden and have all the scents of the wipes to be similar. Must have….: Page 3
Experimental Design Diagram The effect of cleaning wipe brands on which would look cleaner by a scale of If I clean with the Scotch Brite brand then it will clean better because it is the newest brand which makes it seem more recent. Levels of IVCloroxScotch BriteLysol Repeated Trials 333 IV: The brand of the disinfecting wipes. Dv- On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the cleanest. Constants- time, location, surface, people, lighting, “messy” substances, amount of substances on the surface, wiping motion Page 4
1) Get 3 surfaces that are identical and label the back of them. 2) Smear any “messy” substances on each of the surfaces equally. 3) Wipe each surface with a different brand of wipes, using the method of a windshield wiper three times. 4) Display each surfaces so the people won’t see the labels and get at least three different people and list their ratings from a scale of 1-10 once. 5) Record ratings. 6) Next, switch the placement surfaces and tell the people to rate them and record again. 7) Repeat step 5 until at least there were 3 trials. Procedures Page 5
Trial 1Clorox Scotch Brite Lysol Person 1458 Person 2497 Person 3468 Page 6
Trial 2Clorox Scotch Brite Lysol Person 1575 Person 2585 Person 3686 Page 7
Trial 3Clorox Scotch Brite Lysol Person Person 2789 Person 3889 Page 8
Analyzed Result Page 9
Conclusion: If you use Scotch Brite disinfecting wipes then the surface will be cleaner. My hypothesis was proven true. The data shown that 2/3 people believe the Scotch Brite brand cleans better than Clorox and Lysol brand. There weren’t any problems on the experiment. The part that was somewhat fun was to be able to mess up the surfaces. If I could change the experiment I would wanna try it on different surfaces, brands, scents, and if temperature had anything to do with it. Page 10
Scotch Brite Disinfecting Wipes Buy it today! Recommended by most mom’s. Leaves no residue No rinse required Made from botanically pure plant extracts Kills 99.9% of household germs Can be use around kids, pets, and foods Clean easy, breathe easy :D Yay cleanliness!:D No one likes nasty. They like clean. Kills cold & flu viruses* If you buy it today…You’ll be so cool. Just saying. Page 11
The end. Yea. That’s it.